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Australian Book Retailer of the Year 2021
Elizabeth Cassar
This book is dedicated to Mtarfa history and its beauty. Mtarfa, a small town considered as a suburb of Rabat until the year 2000, is located in the Northern Region…
Available to order, ships in 7-14 daysAvailable to order
Dan il-ktieb huwa dwar il-Medicina Tradizzjonali Ciniza fil-kura ta' problemi riproduttivi tal-Mara. Il-Medicina Ciniza Tradizzjonali temmen li gisem b'sahhtu jrid jiffunzjona ezatt kif inhu iddisinjat ghalih u ghalhekk juri kif…
Dan il-ktieb huwa fuq Informazzjoni dwar it-tqala kif tkun qed tikber it-tarbija gewwa l-guf u kif ukoll dak kollu li taghddi minnu mara tqila. Fih hemm ukoll kif ghandha tiehu…
This book goes back to the middle ages and shows the history of music, musical instruments, dances, food, drinks, banquets and the setting of banquets and even some recipes of…
This book contains guidelines for Medical Students and helps them in history taking and physical examination in Obstetrics & Gynaecology. Included there is an English - Maltese dictionary with technical…
Two personages named Lazarus can be identified in the New Testament - one being Lazarus of Bethany; the other Lazarus the Beggar of the parable. The available relevant texts in…
At the age of 40, and after passing much turbulence in my life which really challenged my beliefs, I wanted to make happen what I really believed in. I really…
This book entails some history of a 400 year old Tower build by Alof de Wignacourt in Marsaskala, Malta. This is one of the various towers build by Grandmaster Wignacourt…
The Covid-19 pandemic arrived at Maltese shores in March, 2020. A year later, the pandemic is still ongoing in spite of a monumental effort by the health authorities to vaccinate…