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Australian Book Retailer of the Year 2021
Kollektiv Avtorov
Reprint Technology print-on-demand with the original 1911
Available to order, ships in 7-14 daysAvailable to order
Reprint Technology print-on-demand with the original 1899
Russian literary and political monthly moderately liberal orientation, manufactured from 1866 to 1918 in St. Petersburg (continued the tradition of the eponymous magazine, founded in 1802 by NM Karamzin). Until…
The scientists and writers Russian and foreign (from 1842 - Journal of Modern Education, the arts and education in the spirit of Russian nationality ) - the literary and political…
Scientists and literary magazine, published in 1841-56 years. First monthly, since 1849 it is published twice a month. Editor - MP Pogodin, a leading critic - SP Shevyrev. The magazine…
Proceedings to determine the profitability of land. Areas arable land, senokosnyya land. Reprint Technology print-on-demand with the original 1904.
The first major set of encyclopedic knowledge of Judaism in Russian. Encyclopedia was published in the 1908-1913 biennium. in sixteen volumes in St. Petersburg Society for Jewish scientific publications and…
Regulations on the nobility in the Kingdom of Poland, the highest approved June 25, 1836, and in accordance with the 65th article of the Regulations, drawing Armorial of the Polish…
Reprint Technology print-on-demand with the original 1880
Printed in the provincial house, with the permission of Mr. correcting the position of military governor of Kostroma and Kostroma civil governor.
Travel to Muscovy filled with historical and geographical facts, household sketches. For information, the authors report, is more accurate and confirmed by subsequent travelers. The writing is a valuable resource…
Publication of the documents XVII and XVIII centuries. carried out at the expense of the Moscow merchants PM and SM Tretyakov, the genus of which came from the city of…
Face (t. E. Illustrated with the image of People ) Chronicle is not only a monument to Russian manuscript and a masterpiece of ancient Russian literacy. It is a literary…
The book contains a detailed description of domestic medicinal plants, their actions, the collection, storage, preparation and consumption at doctoring diseases. Travnik is made on the instructions of renowned medical…
Gipertonicheskuyu bolezn nazyvayut boleznyu sovremennoj tsivilizatsii. V nastoyaschee vremya v ekonomicheski razvityh stranah priblizitelno u chetverti vzroslogo naseleniya otmechaetsya povyshennoe arterialnoe davlenie. Kak opredelit faktory riska, organizovat profilaktiku i pravilno…
Reshayuschie pobedy Krasnoj Armii nad obedinennymi silami Antanty i vnutrennej kontrrevolyutsii (mart 1919 g. - fevral 1920 g.). V sostavlenii i podgotovke toma uchastie prinimali: G.G.Alahverdov, P.A.Golub, V.S.Kirillov, P.S.Koltsov, N.F.Kuzmin…
Ischerpyvayuschaya po informativnosti i ohvatu tem, eta kniga posvyaschena klyuchevym voprosam klinicheskoj psihologii. Izdanie yavlyaetsya rezultatom usilij kollektiva vidnyh rossijskih spetsialistov vo glave s professorom A. A. Aleksandrovym i prednaznacheno…
The second volume of the People’s demonology Polesie continues four-volume edition of field data on traditional demonology of the Ukrainian and Belarusian Polesie, as well as the adjoining southern Russian…
Anthology of world philosophy - a sort of guide that helps to understand the vast literature of classical philosophy. Carried out in the Anthology collection of texts with a relatively…
Committee tidies the Moscow archives of the Senate after the devastation of the French in 1812, took to Moscow Table Digit order, is responsible for all civil service regulations, 208…
This book, Put: Organ russkoj religioznoj mysli 13. Oktyabr 1928, by Kollektiv avtorov, is a replication of a book originally published before 1928. It has been restored by human beings…
Slovar Akademii Rossijskoj - pervyj tolkovyj slovar russkogo yazyka, soderzhaschij 43 357 slov v 6 chastyah. This book, Slovar Akademii Rossijskoj Chast 2. Ot G. do Z., by Kollektiv avtorov…
Ezhegodniki ofitsialnoj spravochnoj informatsii, vypuskaemye v 89 guberniyah i oblastyah Rossijskoj Imperii s srediny 1830-h do 1917 goda. Vypuskalis mestnymi ofitsialnymi litsami i organami vnutrennih del. This book, Adres-kalendar lits…
Znanie, knigoizdatelskoe tovarischestvo v Peterburge v 1898-1913, organizovannoe deyatelyami Komiteta gramotnosti (K. P. Pyatnitskij i dr.) s kulturno-prosvetitelskimi tselyami. Sborniki vklyuchali proizvedeniya M. Gorkogo, A. P. Chehova, A. I. Kuprina…
This book, Zhizneopisanie Mihaila Vasilevicha Lomonosova, by Kollektiv avtorov, is a replication of a book originally published before 1947. It has been restored by human beings, page by page, so…
Stihi, poemy, povesti, pis'ma Fatyha Karima
Voennaya entsiklopediya izdavalas knigoizdatelskim tovarischestvom I. D. Sytina s 1911 po 1915 god. Po prichine Pervoj mirovoj vojny i posleduyuschej Oktyabrskoj revolyutsii izdanie ostalos ne zaversheno; vsego vyshlo 18 tomov…
Publikatsiya dokumentov XVII i XVIII vv. osuschestvlena na sredstva moskovskih kuptsov P. M. i S. M. Tretyakovyh, rod kotoryh proishodil iz goroda Maloyaroslavtsa. V knige opublikovany: perepisnaya kniga 1646 g…
Dokumentalnoe opisanie boevyh dejstvij polka i znamenatelnyh istoricheskih sobytij, svyazannyh s nim, za period 1790 1890 godov. Privedeny poimennye posluzhnye spiski komandirov, shtab- i ober-ofitserov polka, nizhnih chinov nagrazhdennyh znakami…