Pilgrim Hodgson

Pilgrim Hodgson is from Readings Carlton

Review — 23 Jun 2024

The Eyes Are the Best Part by Monika Kim

‘I pluck one eye after the other, shoving them greedily into my mouth. I mash them into a pulp, teeth gnashing, feeling each clump slide down my throat. I eat…

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Review — 26 Mar 2024

The Divorcées by Rowan Beaird

Upon fleeing her loveless marriage, Lois Gorski finds herself back under the control of her strict father and is dispatched to The Golden Yarrow – a divorce ranch in Nevada…

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Review — 26 Feb 2024

It Lasts Forever and Then It's Over by Anne de Marcken

‘It is clear there is no simple beginning or simple ending. Every live thing is the history and future of all dead things. Every dead thing is the future of…

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Blog post — 15 Aug 2023

Magazines to pick up and explore this weekend

Did you know our shops stock a curated selection of amazing magazines? Below, our resident expert Pilgrim Hodgson discusses which magazine, unbeknownst to you, may be your new obsession.


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Review — 30 May 2023

Exquisite Corpse by Marija Peričić

When poverty-stricken cigar-factory worker Lina Dahlstrom is diagnosed with tuberculosis, the charming American doctor Carl Dance seems to go above and beyond in his efforts to cure her. Dazzled by…

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Review — 1 Nov 2022

Motherthing by Ainslie Hogarth

To paraphrase Charles Dickens in A Christmas Carol, the mother-in-law was dead to begin with. Laura Lamb, complex, manipulative mother of Ralph, has taken her own life in the…

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Review — 1 May 2022

Seven Days by Fleur Ferris

Ben Parker is caught in the middle of divorced parents, convinced he’s always an afterthought in their lives. When his dad leaves on a business trip Ben feels like he’s…

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Review — 2 Nov 2021

Hometown Haunts: #LoveOzYA Horror Tales edited by Poppy Nwosu

Hometown Haunts is all-Australian and all-amazing, bringing together some of our best established and emerging YA authors for a collection that will chill, thrill and leave you sleeping with the…

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Review — 30 May 2021

How to Say Hello by Sophie Beer

Tackling big concepts in accessible ways, Sophie Beer’s previous board books are must-haves for little readers. Now, Love Makes a Family, Change Starts with Us and Kindness Makes Us

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Review — 23 Sep 2019

Rules for Vanishing by Kate Alice Marshall

Hold hands, close your eyes and take thirteen steps: that is how Becca Donoghue and her boyfriend disappeared, searching for the legend of Lucy Gallows. One year on and Becca’s…

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