Brinjial (Solanum melongena L. ) or egg plant is one of them important vegetable crop of Asia, where more than 90 per cent of the world's production occurs. It is regarded as poor man's vegetable because of its high productivity, the various diseases the sclerotinia blight caused by Sclerotinia sclerotorum (Lib.) De Bary is an important disease which causes loss in quality and quantity of fruits of brinjal. Forty five germplasm of brinjal were screened sclerotinia blight under natural field condition following 0-4 rating scale 3 germplasms viz, BRLVAR-3, BRRVAR-1, BRRVAR-15 were found resistance against Sclerotinia blight. Five plant extracts viz., Garlic, Neem, Ocimum, Dhatura, Onion were tested in vivo against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum at 10 per cent and 15 per cent concentration. among which Onion was found best. The fungicides, botanicals were applied as foliar sprays at 15 days intervals with first spray at 75 after transplanting (DAT) and second sprays were given at 90 days after transplanting. among all treatments, Carbendazim-50 WP (0.1%) treatment was found best with maximum disease control.