Garden Myths: Book 2

Robert Pavlis

Garden Myths: Book 2
Garden Fundamentals
7 February 2019

Garden Myths: Book 2

Robert Pavlis

Garden Myths Book 2, the second in the series of two books, examines another 110 horticultural urban legends. Turning wisdom on its head, Robert Pavlis dives deep into traditional garden advice and debunks the myths and misconceptions that abound. He asks critical questions and uses science-based information to understand plants and their environment.

Armed with the truth, Robert then turns this knowledge into easy-to-follow advice:

Do tomatoes ripen faster if you remove leaves?

Will extra phosphorus increase flowering?

Does salt and vinegar kill weeds?

Should you fertilize at planting time?

Does companion planting work?

Is drip irrigation better than sprinklers?

Are natives better for pollinators?

Should you replace soil in containers each year?

Garden Myths is a must-read for anyone who wants to use environmentally sound practices. This fascinating and informative book will help you understand plants better, reduce unnecessary work, convince you to buy fewer products and help you enjoy gardening more.

Gardeners just like you have commented on Garden Myths Book 1

This book has simplified my gardening; saving me tons of work and plenty of money. An easy, enjoyable read. I highly recommend this book. , P.J.

This is a must have book for your gardening library. , Daryle Thomas

Great book. I have purchased several copies because I keep giving them away to friends trying to help educate them to stop wasting their time and money following wrong advice. , Karen Kroesen

More information than any other gardening book I’ve ever read. Because I read this book before I started my garden, I’ve saved an incredible amount of money , Stacy Hsu

You will enjoy and learn so much. Mr. Pavlis explains the science in a way that makes it very understandable. , Rams Fan

Favorite Book. I wish he wrote more books because I like the way he breaks down a subject and makes it easy to understand. , Craig Cardoni

One of the best books on gardening and, trust me, I have many. The author is a true gardening iconoclast who explains ideas succinctly and pleasurably. Highly recommended. , AstroGremlin

A must have for all gardeners…. The author debunks a hundred garden myths logically and scientifically. , Richard

My favorite quote from him is Look to nature for answers - mother nature already knows how to garden , Helen L.

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