7 Mindfulness Training Lessons: Improve Teammates' Ability to Work as One with Right-Minded Thinking

Dan Hogan

7 Mindfulness Training Lessons: Improve Teammates' Ability to Work as One with Right-Minded Thinking
Lord & Hogan LLC
8 March 2022

7 Mindfulness Training Lessons: Improve Teammates’ Ability to Work as One with Right-Minded Thinking

Dan Hogan

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Overview: 7 Mindfulness Training Lessons

Do you desire a world…That you rule instead of one that rules you? Where you are powerful instead of helpless? In which you have no adversaries, only allies? Where you and your teammates consistently choose Reason over Ego?

If you answered yes, these lessons will help you achieve your goals. They may be summed up in one sentence, with emphasis on three words: Right-Minded Teammates accept, forgive, and adjust their thinking and work behavior.

Mindfulness is your conscious ability to monitor your thoughts in the present. When you are mindful, you calmly acknowledge and accept your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, as well as those of others. Your calm mindfulness is the necessary condition for receiving a moment of Reason, which is a precursor for finding real teamwork solutions. Here are the 7 Lessons:

I am not upset about this difficult situation for the reason I think. I Accept and own my part in this situation. It’s impossible that my thoughts about this situation are neutral. I Forgive others and myself. I will transform the effects of this difficult team situation. I Adjust my thinking and behavior. I see every difficult team situation as a learning opportunity.

In every difficult situation, Right-Minded Teammates use these lessons to move them into a Right-Minded, we are allies way of thinking and behaving. In this book, you will learn how to use the lessons in a situation you know well: the Constantly Complaining Teammate (CCT). Once you understand how to apply these 7 Lessons with a CCT, you will know how to do the same in all your difficult situations.

A Testimonial: Recently, I was reflecting on a challenging situation with a fellow entrepreneur (not my team, per se, but within my circle of influence). As I was trying to figure out how I wanted to approach it, the first of the 7 Lessons of Right-Minded Thinking popped into my mind. I am not upset about this difficult team situation for the reason I think, I told myself. Immediately I could see there was more to the situation than just the surface-level issue. No wonder it felt so heavy and complicated. Seeing as I’d already made progress, I figured I might as well apply the next few Mindfulness Lessons, too. As I did, I could feel myself relaxing, and, in just a few moments, I was able to see the situation completely differently. My inner resistance has dissipated, and therefore the issue has, too. I had no doubt your methodology was effective, but I didn’t realize how immediately transformative it could be. Thank you and RMT for this personal breakthrough!

Benefits: Your thoughts determine how you behave. Thoughts produce choices and behaviors, which transform you and your teammates into either collaborative allies or warring adversaries. If you dread working with others, you have placed yourself in a battleground. Battlegrounds are not necessary. The 7 lessons can help you rise above the battleground, transforming conflicts into solutions. These lessons have the power to transform any circumstance into a fantastic learning opportunity, making every day an exciting new adventure in your classroom of life. They will undoubtedly strengthen your ability to collaborate and make better team decisions. Use these 7 Mindfulness Lessons daily, and you rule the world you see. You maintain your power of response, frequently experience moments of Reason, and avoid unnecessary Ego attacks and battles. You guarantee you have no adversaries, only teammate allies.

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