Al-Qawanin al-Fiqhiyyah: The Judgments of Fiqh Vol. 2 - Mu'āmalāt and other matters

Abu'l-Qasim Ibn Juzayy Al-Kalbi

Al-Qawanin al-Fiqhiyyah: The Judgments of Fiqh Vol. 2 - Mu'āmalāt and other matters
Diwan Press
United Kingdom
15 January 2021

Al-Qawanin al-Fiqhiyyah: The Judgments of Fiqh Vol. 2 - Mu’āmalāt and other matters

Abu'l-Qasim Ibn Juzayy Al-Kalbi

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It is the most comprehensive and useful abridgement to be found in Maliki fiqh. (Farid al-Ansari Mafhum al-‘Alimiyyah)

The works of Ibn Juzayy partake of a particular miraculous quality of the last of the Messengers of Allah, may Allah bless him and them and grant them peace: they unite concision and comprehensiveness.

Comprehensively, the author presents both the range of judgments within the school of the People of Madinah as well as the range of judgments among the madhhabs at large, but with concision in a single modest Arabic volume. He covers not only 'aqidah and 'ibadat but also mu'amalat, other matters of tasawwuf, and yet others pertaining to history, i.e. the sirah of the Messenger , the khulafa’ and Andalus.

His main concern is to say with clarity what the din IS, and then to note the legitimate differences, and sometimes the illegitimate ones in order to dismiss them. To show the spectrum of valid differences is vitally important in the age of literalism that says tell me the sahih hadith so that I can act on it or in its Maliki version, tell me the well-known judgment (mashhur). The author carefully lets the reader know the well-known judgments (mashhur) but sets them within the spectrum of valid judgments from the luminaries among Malik’s students, such as Ibn al-Qasim, Ashhab, Asbagh, Ibn Wahb and Ibn al-Majishun et al, who, it is well to remember, may simply be acting on what they learnt from Malik himself.

Following Ibn Juzayy’s own division of his work into two parts, we here publish Volume 2 containing the chapters on mu'amalat and miscellaneous chapters on the sirah, history of the khalifahs and of Andalusia, and matters of the tongue and heart etc.

Ibn Juzayy was Abu-l-Qasim Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah ibn Yahya ibn 'Abd ar-Rahman ibn Yusuf ibn Sa'id ibn Juzayy al-Kalbi. He was born on the 19th Rabi’ al-Awwal in 693 AH/1294 CE. He mastered the essential sciences of the din, and wrote significant works on tafsir, hadith, ‘aqidah, tasawwuf, qira'at (recitations and rescensions of the Qur'an) and usul al-fiqh. He died as a shahid in the Battle of Tareef on Monday 7th Jumada-l-Ula 741 AH/30th October 1340 CE.

Dr. Asadullah Yate (Cantab.) has translated works from Arabic, Persian, German and French, and, in collaboration with others, from Turkish. He teaches Arabic and Fiqh at the Weimar Institute, and is Imam al-Khateeb at the mosque of Stralsund, Germany.

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