The Combinations (4th edition)

Louis Armand

The Combinations (4th edition)
Equus Press
1 May 2024

The Combinations (4th edition)

Louis Armand

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Shortlisted for the 2016 Not the Booker prize. 4th Edition. Full description and blurb list: https: // "IS THIS THE ULTIMATE 'PRAGUE NOVEL'?" (Bruce Sterling). The "European anti-novel" in all its unrepentant glory is here in The Combinations, following in the tradition of Sterne, Rabelais, Cervantes, Joyce, Perec. Kafka's The Trial meets Robert Musil's The Man Without Qualities.In 8 octaves, 64 chapters and 888 pages, Louis Armand's The Combinations is an unprecedented "work of attempted fiction" that combines the beauty & intellectual exertion that is chess with the panorama of futility & chaos that is Prague (a.k.a. "Golem City"), across the 20th-century and before/after. Golem City, the ship of fools boarded by the famed D's (e.g. John) and K's (e.g. Edward) of the 16th/17th centuries (who attempted and failed to turn lead into gold), and the infamous H's (e.g. Adolf, e.g. Reinhard) of the 20th (who attempted and succeeded in turning flesh into soap). Armand's prose weaves together the City's thousand-and-one fascinating tales with a deeply personal account of one lost soul set adrift amid the early-90s' awakening from the nightmare that was the previous half-century of communist Mitteleuropa. The Combinations is a text whose 1) erudition dazzles, 2) structure humbles, 3) monotony never bores, 4) humour disarms, 5) relentlessness overwhelms, 6) storytelling captivates, 7) poignancy remains poignant, and 8) style simply never exhausts itself. Your move, Reader.

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