Beat and Leon the Warrior Dog: Into the Sassanid Empire and Beyond

Cy Sansum

Beat and Leon the Warrior Dog: Into the Sassanid Empire and Beyond
Authorhouse UK
24 May 2022

Beat and Leon the Warrior Dog: Into the Sassanid Empire and Beyond

Cy Sansum

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Beat and his Antonian Shepherd Dog, lived-in modern-day Switzerland. They were cajoled into Joining the Roman Army. In the year 313 A D. Emperor Constantine, decreed that the religion of the Roman Empire was Christianity. Either Beat was extremely lucky or was being looked after by a higher force. He was constantly promoted. After winning many battles and saving Rome from the Goths. He was promoted, to Commander of the Eastern Roman army. He was given orders to drive the Sassanids out of Jerusalem. Then teach the Sassanid Empire, To Bow to Rome. On completion of his orders. Beat Decided to Honour a promise he had made. To fulfil this promise, He led the Eastern Roman army East. Crossing the Sassanid empire, India, and China, Before he was able to return Mae, to her family. They lived in a group of Islands, nameless at the time but know known as the Philippines. Their adventure continues as they attempt to return to Rome. The Book is filled with Adventure, Romance, and fighting. Join Beat and Leon on their Journey across a world which to them, was very new.

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