What Time is It?

Deborah A Logan

Xulon Press
6 September 2023

What Time is It?

Deborah A Logan

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The journey continues. The first book, Celebrating the Lord's Feasts: A Journey into His Presence, took me on a journey into the Feasts of the Lord. Studying and observing the Feasts of the Lord, I discovered that God's time is different from mine. The Bible speaks very clear that God does things in His time. God created the world and all that there is in seven days (Genesis 1-2:3), there is a season and time to every purpose (Ecclesiastes 3:1), and God raised Jesus up in three days (Acts 10:40). The time I know and operate from is the Georgian calendar and that is fine for the natural world I live in but what about heaven's calendar? We are to walk and live in the Spirit (Galatians 5:25). There is a spiritual, godly calendar that will give us insight into God's time. Have you ever noticed in the Bible that something happened in the seventh month on the fourteen day? If so, that does not mean July 14. God's time is connected to the Hebrew calendar. As believers in Jesus we need to understand the Hebrew calendar to understand God's time. Take the Journey into the Time of God and be blessed by what you discover. Deborah A. Logan is a native of Philadelphia, PA. Deborah holds a Master of Divinity degree from Howard University School of Divinity. Deborah is an Administrative Program Manager with HealthCare Access Maryland in the Foster Care Department. Deborah has served in ministry since 1990. Over the years she has trained and mentored ministry leaders in Maryland and other states. Deborah currently serves at Light House Prayer Ministry. Deborah has been married to Elder Michael T. Logan since May 1991. They currently reside in Baltimore Maryland.

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