Duty, honor, loyalty, integrity and leadershipaall of these qualities define Captain Christopher Tolbert. But in the face of great challenge, personal dilemma, and a fierce battlefield in Iraq, Chris is forced to deal with the most difficult situations ever presented in his career, and quite certainly, his life. Will Chris continue to remain true to his convictions? Follow Chris on a journey plagued by opposition, loss, despair, separation and temptation; yet equally full of appreciation, love, friendship and camaraderie. It is a journey taken by members of the military and their families. Excerpt from the book: Chris jumped up from his desk as the sirens went off in the camp. In the distance, he could hear bursts of rifle fire, and as he walked out of his office, he saw the first sergeant running toward him. aSir, we had a situation at the gate. It appears two soldiers have been killed and three are badly wounded. Iam on my way there now.a Chrisas heart plummeted to his stomach. Mike, have you heard anything?a Chris gasped as he tried to catch his breath. Captain Serrano hesitated and then handed Chris an M16 and Kevlar helmet.He felt as if he would pass out as he silently read the name written on the inner sweatbanda] Filled with unexpected and gripping events, Because of Christopher engages the reader from beginning to end.