The Book of Acts shares the story of the birth of the Christian church, connecting the earliest followers of Jesus to Christians 2,000 years later. On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit breathes new life into followers of The Way, the community of Jesus’s disciples, and empowers them to share the Good News of God in Christ. Join the journey through Acts and follow in the footsteps of the apostles Peter and Paul and many others such as Barnabas and Lydia, all bearing witness to Jesus’s saving grace. Featuring fifty days of scripture and reflections by spiritual leaders from around the world, A Journey Through Acts is part of a series of 50 Day Bible studies and is an extension of The Bible Challenge, a global initiative to encourage daily engagement with the Word of God.
Authors include: Harry W. Attridge, Mariann Edgar Budde, Elizabeth R. Costello, David Creech, Albert R. Cutie, C. Andrew Doyle, Scott Gunn, Daniel G. P. Gutierrez, Melissa Hollerith, Randolph Marshall Hollerith, Colin R. Johnson, Justin Alan Lindstrom, Sandra T. Montes, Barry C. Morgan, Brendan O'Sullivan-Hale, Steven A. Peay, Holli S. Powell, Spencer Reece, Bill Schwartz, Jay Sidebotham, Emily Slichter-Given, Susan Brown Snook, Stephanie Spellers, Chad Sundin, Scott Walters, Christopher Wells, Marek P. Zabriskie, and foreword by Michael B. Curry.