Each week we bring you a sample of the books we’re reading, the films we’re watching, the television shows we’re hooked on or the music we’re loving.
Angela Crocombe is reading Burn Baby Burn by Meg Medina
I loved reading this atmospheric young adult novel set in Queens, New York during the infamous summer of 1977 when a serial killer was on the loose, a spate of arson attacks were plaguing the city, and a blackout turned the entire city into darkness for a night. Nora is about to turn 18 and can’t wait to finish high school, move away from her dysfunctional family and legally dance at discos all night. But everyone is paranoid about young women being out after dark because they are being targeted by the serial killer. And everywhere in the city is so insanely hot.
This is the perfect thriller for cold winter nights, where you can transport yourself to a steamy, scorching summer in New York where fear is everywhere. I loved it!
Chris Somerville is reading Wasted by Elspeth Muir
On its surface Wasted is a memoir about the loss of a sibling – in this case Muir’s younger brother who jumps from a bridge one night while intoxicated – but it’s not soon after you begin that the book becomes something much stranger. Muir’s depiction of Brisbane’s tropical climate, its animals and bugs, feels both wholly original and incredibly accurate, and as it continues what emerges is something incredibly upsetting and moving.
Isobel Moore is reading The Last Star by Rick Yancey
I’m currently reading the third book in The Fifth Wave series by Rick Yancey. I’m about halfway through and I had to stop reading last night because Yancey doesn’t care about the well-being of my favourite characters and it’s emotionally overwhelming! I loved the first book, was a bit disappointed with the second, and now I’m glad I pushed through because number three is turning out to be great. Although maybe ask me again tomorrow when I’m crying into my keyboard since I’m very skeptical of everyone getting out of this novel alright…