Each week we bring you a sample of the books we’re reading, the films we’re watching, the television shows we’re hooked on or the music we’re loving.
Bronte Coates is reading Blueberries by Ellena Savage (available March)
Back in 2017, I wrote about how much I loved Ellena Savage’s writing in a blog post rounding up some of the best non-fiction writing Readings staff had read by Australian women. At the time, I’d written: “Everything (Savage) writes makes me reconsider my life and opinions; I want to read her forever.” I stand by this statement!
Savage’s first full-length book, Blueberries, is being published next month and it’s a collection of experimental non-fiction that interrogates the conventions of memoir. As she ranges over an array of topics – memory, trauma, literary culture, class, Australian history, what it means to make art – Savage ‘s voice moves from sardonic to ardent, from tender to vicious, from wry to intimate. Readers of Maria Tumarkin will find much to love here; Tumarkin herself describes Savage’s essays as 'heartstopping epics of self-inquiry and world-inquiry’. Blueberries is a work to engage with – I felt confronted and moved, I flagged passages to revisit, I sought out other writers that were referenced. I already feel like this will be one of the most exciting books (Australian or otherwise) to be published this year. Absolutely seek it out.
Mark Rubbo is reading Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line by Deepa Anappara
Children start going missing from an imaginary Indian slum. The police berate the parents for annoying them and even demand bribes to look into it, so nine-year-old Jai and two of his friends decide to take matters into their own hands. This is a quite amazing first novel by a renowned Indian journalist. The best book I’ve read in ages.
Megan Wood is rereading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling
Whenever I’m not sure what to read next, I find myself going back to Harry Potter and right now, I’m re-reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire for about the millionth time (that might be an exaggeration…) Each time I read this book, I am transported to such a wonderful place. I’m alternating between a paperback copy when out, and the beautiful Jim Kay illustrated version when I’m home, which is such a treat.