If you believed most of the marketing you'd be forgiven for thinking that every maternal figure in Australia would like nothing better for Mother's Day than a pair of fluffy pink slippers and maybe a new blender. We're not so sure. Instead of the traditional gifts this year, check out some of our (OK, slightly tongue-in-cheek) suggestions for what to give instead.
Instead of a fleece dressing gown, My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Mosfegh
Set in New York City in 2000 and 2001 My Year of Rest and Relaxation is a savagely funny satire that follows an unnamed protagonist as she gradually escalates her use of prescription medications in an attempt to sleep for an entire year.
Instead of a string of pearls, Thunderhead by Miranda Darling
A homage to Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway, Thunderhead is a feminist black comedy, set in suburbia, about one woman’s struggle to be free.
Read our staff review here.
Instead of a night away at a B&B, Bluebeard's Castle by Anna Biller
The classic french fairytale gets a feminist makeover in Bluebeard's Castle by Anna Biller. Filled with dark humour and evocative imagery, this retelling is a subversive take on modern romance and Gothic erotica.
Instead of a potted plant, Death Valley by Melissa Broder
A hilarious and highly original book about grief, Death Valley is the story of a woman who is taking a therapeutic hike through the Californian desert when she stumbles across a portal to her subsconscious in the side of a giant cactus.
Read our staff review here.
Instead of breakfast in bed, Angry at Breakfast edited by Erik Jensen
Drawn from the first ten years of The Saturday Paper, Angry at Breakfast is a collection of some of Australia's best poltical writing. Fusing character studies with political insights and unvarnished rage these essays are witty, curious and sharp-eyed.
Instead of a new frypan, The Best Way to Bury Your Husband by Alexia Casale
When Sally accidentally (but sort of on purpose) kills her husband with a skillet to the head she discovers that she's not the only woman in town with a body to dispose of. After finding herself leading an extremely unusual self-help group, Sally and three new friends rediscover old joys and embark on new passions in work, education, and life.
Instead of baked goods, Butter by Asako Yuzuki (translated by Polly Barton)
Inspired by the real case of a convicted con woman and serial killer, Butter is a vivid, unsettling exploration of misogyny, obsession, romance and the transgressive pleasures of food in Japan.
Read our staff review here.
Instead of slippers, the world's most suggestive hot water bottle
OK, so hear us out. This extra long hot water bottle is designed with more coverage than a standard hot water bottle which means it won't just keep your feet warm in bed; with extra length that can wrap around your shoulders, tummy or along the length of your body, it can help ease cramps, soothe aching muscles, and reduce stress. The tassels are for decoration.