Last year the Small Press Network announced a new, annual award to be known as the Small Press Network Book of the Year Award. This award aims to recognise and celebrate some of the most significant and ground-breaking books being produced by Australian and international authors today.
This week, the 2021 shortlist was revealed and below are the six shortlisted books.
- Almost a Mirror by Kirsten Krauth (Transit Lounge)
- Collisions: A Liminal Anthology edited by Leah Jing McIntosh, Cher Tan, Adalya Nash Hussein, and Hassan Abul (Liminal/Pantera)
- Taking Down Evelyn Tait by Poppy Nwosu (Wakefield Press)
- Echoes by Shu-Ling Chua
- The Tiniest House of Time by Sreedhevi Iyer (Wild Dingo)
- We Are Speaking in Code by Tanya Vavilova (Brio Books)
The judges said of the shortlist: ‘Six books were chosen for the shortlist this year, each one a testament to the power of small publishing and the role it plays in giving voice to those who might otherwise be overlooked in mainstream publishing. The shortlisted titles were all examples of strong, engaging writing that tackled a range of issues from identity and culture to family, relationships and abuse. Each book was a thought-provoking read that invited the reader to explore and consider the nuances of the world and people around us.’