The Small Press Network (SPN) has announced the shortlist for the 2019 Most Underrated Book Award (MUBA).
The three shortlisted books are:
Brontide by Sue McPherson (published by Magabala Books)
Formatted in a readable interview style, this coming-of-age story weaves the perspectives of four very different teenage boys living on the Sunshine Coast: Rob, Pen, Benny Boy and Jack. By turns funny, confronting, heartwarming and shocking, this deceptively short YA novel is full of unforgettable and authentic personalities and was described by the judges as a ‘small marvel with a big heart’.
Antidote to a Curse by James Cristina (published by Transit Lounge)
Rich with images and allusions yet grounded in the everyday Antidote to a Curse blends the Bosnian war, an impending AIDS diagnosis, life in 1990s inner Melbourne, giant aviaries and talking cats into an ambitious, experimental story of psychological obsession. Filled with iconic Melbourne haunts such as Stalactites cafe, it announces an exciting new voice in Australian fiction.
Songwoman by Ilka Tampke (published by Text Publishing)
Set in Iron-Age Britain in the middle of the Roman invasion, Songwoman is an evocative imagining of ancient British history told through the perspective of the enigmatic Ailia. With evocations of Arthurian legend and Celtic mythology, Songwoman blends all the pleasurable trappings of historical fiction – epic battles, political machinations, complex power dynamics and, of course, romance – with a still resonant story of one woman learning to find power and strength in an unwelcoming world.
The judges praised the shortlist for being ‘richly rewarding and worthwhile reads’ and commended Australian small presses for taking risks in what they publish.
The MUBA is sponsored by the Australian Booksellers Association and aims to uncover and celebrate the hidden gems of Australian publishing. The 2019 winner will be revealed on 21 November at a free event as part of the SPN’s Independent Publishing Conference.
Find out more here.