Maybe it’s your officious brother-in-law, your housemate’s insufferable new boyfriend, the judgemental mother of your child’s best friend… there’s always someone whose presence on your gift list is more duty than delight. Our handy passive-aggressive gift guide offers some good suggestions for books that that read between the lines.
For the person who definitely buys everything from Amazon:
Try… Fulfillment: Winning and Losing in One-click America by Alec MacGillis
For that person who has fallen down the internet rabbit hole:
Try… QAnon and On by Van Badham
For someone who somehow manages to use every pot in the house when it’s their turn to cook:
Try… One Pan Perfect by Donna Hay
For that family member full of helpful (not) advice:
Try… You’re Doing it Wrong by Kaz Cooke
For someone who has spent the past two years moaning about how they haven’t been able to travel internationally:
Try… Lonely Planet Australia’s Best Trips by Lonely Planet
For that mean kid in the playground your child is weirdly fixated on:
Try… It’s Cool to Be Kind By Sophie Beer
For that person who definitely still calls grown women “girls”:
Try… The Authority Gap By Mary Ann Sieghart
For someone who always looks down their noses at other people:
Try… How to Deal With Idiots: (And Stop Being One Yourself) by Maxime Rovere (translated by David Bellos)
For the date who slops a jar of Leggo’s over overcooked penne and calls it “cuisine”:
Try… Death to Jar Sauce by Nat’s What I Reckon
For the male friend who post-lockdown is still having trouble giving up the tracky daks:
Try… Men In this Town: A Decade of Men’s Street Style by Giuseppe Santamaria
For someone who probably needs to curb their pandemic shopping habits:
Try… Consumed by Aja Barber
For that family member who’s still on the fence about getting the vaccine:
Try… The First Shots by Brendan Borrell
For that person who is always spoiling for a fight at the dinner table:
Try… No, You’re Not Entitled to Your Opinion by Alexandra Hansen & The Conversation
For that person whose feminism is ten years out of date…
Try… Against White Feminism by Rafia Zakaria
For that friend who thinks being bitchy is a fun personality trait:
Try… Keanu Reeves’ Guide to Kindness
For the person who genuinely believes Australia isn’t a racist country:
Try… Another Day in the Colony by Chelsea Watego