- The Good People by Hannah Kent
- Fight Like a Girl by Clementine Ford
- Music and Freedom by Zoë Morrison
- The Boy Behind the Curtain by Tim Winton
- The Girl on the Train (film tie-in edition) by Paula Hawkins (including non film tie-in edition)
- The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben
- Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen
- Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult
- The Four Legendary Kingdoms by Matthew Reilly
- Neighbourhood by Hetty McKinnon
We have three brilliant Australian women writers at the top of our bestsellers list this week, including our 2016 Readings Prize winner, Zoë Morrison. Our guest judge Maxine Beneba Clarke calls Morrison’s debut novel Music and Freedom ‘challenging, stylistically sure, accomplished, and consistent.’
Also included in this week’s top ten is The Girl on the Train, which is currently screening in cinemas; and memoirs from Tim Winton (The Boy Behind the Curtain) and Bruce Springsteen (Born to Run).