Stolen Focus by Johann Hari
The Murder Rule by Dervla McTiernan
Sunbathing by Isobel Beech
Dropbear by Evelyn Araluen
Bedtime Story by Chloe Hooper
Wake by Shelley Burr
Yiayia Next Door by Daniel Mancuso and Luke Mancuso
Pure Colour by Sheila Heti
The Seamstress of Sardinia by Bianca Pitzorno (translated by Brigid Maher)
Still Alive by Safdar Ahmed
Our best-seller from the past week is Johann Hari’s fantastic Stolen Focus, which takes a critical look at how much an individual can do to regain control of their attention span, while also investigating the potentially systemic issues that are wreaking havoc on our ability to focus.
Other books making an appearance on our bestseller list this week include the recent winner for Book of the Year at the NSW Premier’s Literary Awards, a work of translated historical fiction, and our Crime Book of the Month, which is a truly sensational debut from Australian author Shelley Burr.