Our children's and YA top 10 bestsellers of the week

  1. The Readings Prize Children’s Shortlist Pack 2022

  2. A Glasshouse of Stars by Shirley Marr

  3. Little Gem by Anna Zobel

  4. Floof by Heidi McKinnon

  5. Guardians: Wylah the Koorie Warrior 1 by Jordan Gould & Richard Pritchard

  6. The Sugarcane Kids and the Red-Bottomed Boat by Charlie Archibold

  7. The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han

  8. The Readings Prize Young Adult Shortlist Pack 2022

  9. Treasure in the Lake by Jason Pamment

  10. What We All Saw by Mike Lucas

Our top-selling title this week is the Readings Prize Children’s Shortlist Pack, which contains all the six shortlisted titles for our prize in the reader’s aged 5-12 this year at a discounted price. A number of our shortlisted titles have also featured in the bestseller list this week, which is exciting. You can find out more information about each of the shortlisted titles here.

The Readings Young Adult Prize was announced last Tuesday and the shortlist pack for this prize appears at number eight in the list. Also, one of the shortlisted titles, a brilliant horror story, appears on the list in tenth place. You can find out more about each of the shortlisted titles this year here.