From award-winning author Nina Kenwood, Unnecessary Drama is a deliciously entertaining rom-com, set in a run-down student share house in Melbourne. A joyful story about leaving home, dealing with the unexpected complications of life, and somehow finding exactly what you need. Read an exclusive extract below.
Now that I’m sitting in a busy cafe on a Saturday afternoon waiting for Henry to arrive, I understand that dating is hell and I want to die. I see why people date at night. If you’re in a busy bar, there is darkness and crowds and noise, or in a restaurant there is a whole meal to be discussed and then ordered and then eaten and focused on and, if you’re lucky, the lights are dim. And then there is the best option of all, the one I should have chosen, which is to see a movie together. True darkness and sitting facing forwards and no possibility of talking and something to entertain you and snacks and maybe a recliner chair.
I can’t remember what Henry looks like. I only ever saw that one quick photo on Penny’s phone. Calm down. Yes I can. Brown hair, notable eyebrows. Brown hair, notable eyebrows.
I text him to say I’m at a corner table.
A few minutes later, a brown-haired guy with thick eyebrows approaches the table. He’s in jeans and a black T-shirt, and maybe it’s Henry. He’s walking towards me with confidence and looking friendly, looking like a guy who plays the flute, and so I smile, and he smiles back. Yes, it’s Henry, it’s definitely Henry.
‘Hi,’ I say brightly, and then I stand up, I’m not sure why, because I think maybe we’re going to hug, although I have no idea why I think that, but now the thought is in my head. I’m going to hug him hello.
‘Hi,’ he says, looking at me.
‘How are you?’ I say, in my warmest voice, leaning forward a little, hoping he’ll go in for a hug first.
‘Good?’ he says, looking hesitant and confused. Maybe he’s wondering why I’m standing up, or if we’re going to hug. Be confident, be the one in charge. I’m already standing, I need to follow through. I reach forward and give him a quick ‘nice to meet you’ hug and a cheek kiss. It feels very Melbourne, very adult, very ‘I’m experienced at dating’, very ‘my life is sexy and interesting and I am too’. I have transcended my small-town self.
He hugs me back, kind of, but he still seems hesitant.
I sit down, and he remains standing. Oh god, he’s going to leave. The photo Penny sent was too nice, and in the light of day, the reality is starkly different. I should have sat somewhere with more flattering light. God, he’s not even going to give me a chance to impress him with my personality. My pithy texts—do they count for nothing?
‘So, um, can I get you anything?’ he asks.
‘Oh I think they do table service here,’ I say.
‘Yes we do,’ he says, nodding at me, and then I see he has pulled out a notepad and pen. The reality of what is happening is dawning on me, at first slowly, then all at once, like a bucket of icy water, a few drops, then the whole thing poured straight over my head.
That’s not Henry. That is the waiter.
I hugged the waiter.
I hugged and cheek kissed the waiter.
I grip the edge of the table and try to stay calm.
‘Um, just, I, I’m waiting for someone?’ My voice is so high that it’s almost not discernible. I’m talking at a pitch maybe only dogs can hear.
‘Right,’ he says. ‘I’ll come back.’
As soon as he leaves, I sit for three seconds, face burning.
This is okay, this is recoverable, this is a minor event in the course of a whole lifetime, think of the bigger picture, this is a funny story I can tell Henry when he gets here, we can make a joke with the waiter about it, if we get married they’ll tell the story at our wedding ceremony, hilarious, hilarious, hilarious.
And then the adrenaline of my fight-or-flight response kicks in.
I need to leave right now.
I grab my bag, get up and run out the door.