We’ve loved being part of the Melbourne Writers Festival this year, and we’ve loved having so many passionate readers come explore our pop-up Festival Bookshop.
As well as being a hub of literary recommendations from our booksellers, the Festival Bookshop has also been home to book signings by the amazing authors who’ve appeared in this year’s programs.
Here are some photos from the past week.
The quiet before the storm…

We loved seeings the kids getting excited to meet current Australian Children’s Laureate Leigh Hobbs.

And pleased to note that adult readers were just as excited to meet Geoff Dyer.
Our Festival Bookshop staff have plenty of great recommendations for you

The signing queue for YA superstar Rainbow Rowell was enormous; she signed books for more than 2 hours!
Yann Martel poses for us in front of our Festival Bookshop.
Students browsing our shelves after attending a session as part of this year’s program for schools.

Maxine Beneba Clarke and Tracey K Smith kindly allowed us to photograph them after their terrific session together on
We hope you can come in and browse for yourself.