Readings' Lucie Dess, keen Kids and YA reader, interviewed Charlie Archbold about the second book in her middle grade series: The Sugarcane Kids and the Empty Cage. The first book in this series, The Sugarcane Kids and the Red-bottomed Boat won the Readings Children's Prize in 2022, so we are super excited for this second installment, and to have the chance to talk to Charlie about her process, and what's next for the Sugarcane Kids.
Lucie also reviewed The Sugarcane Kids and the Empty Cage for the Readings Monthly – pick-up a copy in our shops, or checkout her review here!
What was it like returning to the world of the Sugarcane Kids for a second book?
It was so much fun to get back into Andy and Eli’s world. When I wrote the first book I was already imagining future adventures for them, so to be able to jump back into their lives was really easy. It has been great to develop all the characters further and build on traits and backstories I had established. The hardest part was finding the balance for readers who had read Red Bottomed Boat and those who were new to the world.

What was the inspiration behind The Empty Cage?
There wasn’t a particular inspiration like there was for Red Bottomed Boat. I knew Andy and his friends are passionate about tackling things that are unjust and unfair, so there had to be a cause that was worth them fighting for. I had been reading about the illegal native animal trade in Australia. Many of the birds and reptiles found in north Queensland are particularly vulnerable and the story evolved from there.
How much research did you do on the animals featured?
I tend to research throughout the writing process. Initially, I wasn’t sure which animals I would include apart from Gloria. I love parrots and I knew she was an integral character from the beginning, so I consulted with bird keepers.

What do you hope readers will take away from this story?
I hope readers take away the fact everyone can make a difference in their world. The fact the Sugarcane Kids work together, not only as friends but as part of a wider community, is a consistent theme in both Sugarcane Kids books. The importance of family, teamwork, ingenuity, and conservation are things I hope readers take away.
How have things differed between publishing your first and second book? Did you find the process easier for your second book?
I was definitely more familiar with the publishing process with this book and it was really great to collaborate with the same editor. We both knew the characters and their world, so resolving bumps in plotting and character development was much more organic.

Will there be a third book featuring the Sugarcane Kids? What can you tell us about it?
I am thrilled to say there will be! In fact, the next Sugarcane Kids adventure will be out next year. Once again Andy, Eli, Bernie, Fletch and Harvey discover something very amiss in their world that they need to put right. This time they are heading away from the mangroves and the rainforest and exploring the coastline and reefs. Their next adventure is: The Sugarcane Kids and the Smelly Fish.

What made you want to write for children?
Writing for children is magical and comes with a freedom to explore the world like you did as a child. When I am in the writing zone, I get the same feelings of joy that I did when I was playing. I like the fact you can be silly and serious. I am not a very practical person and I enjoy being able to solve problems in a story with childlike logic. As a day dreamer, writing for children allows me to follow random imaginative trails.