Teen Advisory Board

A message from the outgoing Teen Advisory Board

Well, that’s a wrap.

It feels anticlimactic for the Teen Advisory Board of 2021/22 to sign off this way, given the incredible highs we’ve had these past few months. From meeting acclaimed authors to attending book launches, there’s been such an amazing array of activities on offer, it scarcely seems possible to identify the highlights.

Our first meeting was a blur, meeting each other for the first time and learning all about everyone’s likes and dislikes, the things that make…

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October recommendations from our Teen Advisory Board

Our Teen Advisory Board have been busy reading and letting us know what they’re loving; below, you can read June recommendations from five of our fantastic 2021 board members. You can also browse the favourite books by favourite authors collection – compiled by the entire board – here.

Teen Advisory Board Member Tahlia Malojer is reading Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, The Other Side of Perfect by Mariko Turk, and Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu.

Imagine a world where looks are…

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Our Teen Advisory Board's favourite reads of 2021 so far

We asked our Teen Advisory Board members to let us know which book stands out as exceptional amongst everything they’ve read so far this year. Below are the books they’ve loved the most and you can browse our more extensive collection of their favourite reads here.

These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong

This novel is the book to read! A Romeo and Juliet retelling set in 1920s Shanghai in the criminal underworld?? Sign me up!

— Aurelia Orr


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Reflecting on coming-of-age stories during the pandemic

by David Dodson

Teen Advisory Board member David Dodson has been reflecting on coming-of-age stories and how they relate to the world young adults are facing right now.

More than 18 months since the start of the fiery, plague-ridden, nightmare-scape otherwise known as the global pandemic, I think we can all agree that the last few years have been pretty transformative. It’s been a challenging time for many people, although especially for younger Australians, whose rites of passage have been rudely interrupted by…

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June recommendations from our Teen Advisory Board

Our Teen Advisory Board have been busy reading and letting us know what they’re loving; below, you can read June recommendations from five of our fantastic 2021 board members. You can also browse the favourite books by favourite authors collection – compiled by the entire board – here.

Claire Heazlewood is reading House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland.

House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland: this book was full of writing as smooth and beautiful as the cover art. The…

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A beginner's guide to Cassandra Clare

by Claire Heazlewood

If you’ve ever browsed the young adult section at the bookshop, you may have seen a Cassandra Clare book. In fact, you may have seen many.

Cassandra Clare is the author of The Shadowhunter Chronicles books, a massive franchise which spans four series and multiple collections of short stories. For this reason, getting into her universe can be a bit daunting if you don’t really know what you are doing. But by the end of this guide, you’ll be able…

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May recommendations from our Teen Advisory Board

Our Teen Advisory Board have been busy reading and letting us know what they’re loving; below, you can read recommendations from three of our fantastic 2021 board members. You can also browse the favourite books by favourite authors collection – compiled by the entire board – here.

Aurelia Orr is reading The End of the World is Bigger Than Love by Davina Bell & Waking Romeo by Kathryn Barker

I can barely put to words how I feel after…

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A beginner's guide to Lynette Noni

by Claire Heazlewood

One day, a few years ago, I walked into my local bookstore and picked up a copy of Lynette Noni’s first novel, Akarnae. Intrigued, I bought it and read it. Ever since, I have been immersed in the worlds of Lynette Noni. She is a #1 bestselling author – and for good reason. So, now that you know you really should be reading her works, where do you start? This guide is here to help!

If you want to…

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