Since its early days, Readings has published the Readings Monthly – our free, independent newspaper. Featuring books, albums, DVDs, events, reviews, news, interviews, author features, and more, this newsletter has grown over many years into a full-colour, 24-page monthly publication. Produced by a small but passionate editorial and design team, the Readings Monthly brings together contributions from staff across all of our shops, from the senior buyers’ curatorial input to our staff-written reviews. The Readings Monthly is something we love making and sharing with our customers.
While the ongoing public health crisis and its impact at Readings meant we were not able to produce a May or June edition of the Readings Monthly this year, we are now very happy to share that a July edition is forthcoming!
Make sure you sign up to receive your copy in the mail here. From July, you will also be able to pick up a copy in-store at any of our shops during opening hours.
The Readings Monthly is a fantastic way to stay on top of new releases and find out which books are being talked about each month. And did we mention that it’s completely free?
Interested readers can also find digital editions of all recent Readings Monthly issues leading back to 2013 here.