A passive aggressive gift guide

Over the next few weeks, we’ve been compiling a host of gift guides to help you with your Christmas shopping.

Christmas is indeed a gift-giving season, but this doesn’t mean you necessarily LIKE everyone you’re buying presents for. If you’re feeling annoyed about particular names on your shopping list, then this passive aggressive gift guide is for you…

For the sibling you suspect is a psychopath…

Try… My Sister Rosa by Justine Larbalestier

Because… Here’s an OzYA thriller from the perspective of a brother who believes his sister is a psychopath – an excellent way to imply similar feelings to your own sibling.

For a domestically-challenged adult…

Try… Pancakes!: An Interactive Recipe Book by Meagan Bennett and Lotta Nieminen

Because… Yep, back to basics here.

For the person you have to be nice to, but really wish you didn’t…

Try… Scorn: The Wittiest and Wickedest Insults in Human History by Matthew Parris

Because… What could be better than gifting them a book filled with insults.

For a sworn carnivore…

Try… Smith & Daughters: A Cookbook (That Happens to be Vegan) by Shannon Martinez and Mo Wyse

Because… We almost didn’t include this cookbook because it’s simply far too delicious to be truly passive-aggressive… But at least you know the title will infuriate them.

For the overly enthusiastic Tom Cruise fan…

Try… Fair Game by Steve Cannane

Because… Steve Cannane’s investigation of Scientology in Australian soil chilling stuff, and not least his insight into Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman’s relationship.

For the person who writes ‘u’ instead of ‘you’ in text messages…

Try… Fucking Apostrophes by Simon Griffin

Because… ‘U’…

For the person who gifted you Marie Kondo’s tidying book last Christmas…

Try… The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k by Sarah Knight

Because… So they can learn the ‘surprising art of caring less and getting more’.

For a man baby…

Try… King Baby by Kate Beaton

Because… Make sure you address the giftee as ‘a big boy’ in your card.

For the housemate who’s always borrowing your clothes, but never returns them…

Try… Curated Closet by Anuschka Rees

Because… A subtle way to encourage your housemate to do some of their own clothes shopping – make sure to remind them that Boxing Day sales are around the corner.

For the grinch in your life…

Try… Pig the Elf by Aaron Blabey

Because… Even the most grinchiest grinch will love Pig the Pug, who is greedy, selfish and completely lovable – and definitely gets his comeuppance for not respecting the power of Christmas.

For a compulsive people pleaser…

Try… Don’t Cross the Line! by Bernardo Carvalho and Isabel Martins

Because… This zany picture book smartly depicts the dangers of always following the rules, or trying to make other people happy.

For the parent who hates social media…

Try… Life on Instagram

Because… This coffee table book of Instagram photos will cause confusing feelings for anyone who thinks the internet is ‘full of trash’, or such thing, as it is genuinely beautiful.

For your prudish friend…

Try… Mount! by Jilly Cooper

Because… We gaurantee that Jilly Cooper’s latest novel is her raciest yet, just in case the crotch on the cover wasn’t a big enough clue.

For the ‘I don’t believe in feminism’ person in your life…

Try… No to Feminism by Rebecca Shaw

Because… Anti-feminists will absolutely hate this collection of of tweets from the smartly hilarious parody twitter account, @NoToFeminism, that shows up the bizarre, illogical arguments of those who blindly attack feminists.

For the friend who’s always trying to set you up on terrible blind dates…

Try… Spinster by Kate Bolick

Because… A compelling ode to singledom that will challenge your friend’s view on what you need to be happy.

For the person who is bad with money…

Try… The Barefoot Investor by Scott Pape

Because… The only money guide you’ll ever need.

Cover image for The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k: Gift Edition

The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k: Gift Edition

Sarah Knight,Sarah Knight

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