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Australian Book Retailer of the Year 2021
Werner G. Muller
The book is concerned with the statistical theory for locating spatial sensors. It bridges the gap between spatial statistics and optimum design theory. After introductions to those two fields the…
Available to order, ships in 7-14 daysAvailable to order
Bridging classic ideas with modern statistical modeling concepts and the latest computational methods, Spatio-temporal Design offers a state-of-the-art account of how to collect space-time data for monitoring.
Available to order, ships in approx 4 weeksAvailable to order
Werner G. Muller,Andreas Quatember
Begleiten Sie die Autoren auf einem Ausflug in die spannende Welt der Daten und trainieren Sie Ihre statistischen Kompetenzen im kritischen Umgang mit diesen: Hinterfragen Sie Statistiken, bewerten Sie deren…
Sponges (phylum Porifera) are known to be very rich sources for bioactive compounds, mainly secondary metabolites. Main efforts are devoted to cell- and mariculture of sponges to assure a sustainable…
Available to order, ships in approx 2 weeksAvailable to order
The awareness that mineral formation can be guided by organic molecules notably contributed to the understanding of the formation of the inorganic skeletons of living organisms.
The volume is intended for biologists, biochemists and molecular biologists, involved in the understanding of structure formation in living organisms and will also be very useful for scientists working in…
This volume is the proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Model-Oriented Data Analysis. The editors are also grateful to Intracom (Greece), the Ionian Bank and the Procter & Gamble…
Lake Baikal is the oldest, deepest and most voluminous lake on Earth, comprising one fifth of the World’s unfrozen fresh water. This process is explored using modern molecular biological and…
This text surveys contemporary knowledge concerning the expression and function of small stress proteins (sHsps) in different organisms, ranging from prokaryotes to humans. It provides an overview of the diversity…
Based on the assumption that invertebrates as well as vertebrates possess factors regulating hematopoiesis, response to infection or wounding, studies dealing with the evolution of immunity have focused on the…
The next four meetings were in 1990 (St Kyrik monastery, Bulgaria), 1992 (Petrodvorets, St Petersburg, Russia), 1995 (Spetses, Greece) and 1998 (Marseilles, France). It is a tradition of these meetings…
Werner Muller
Werner Muller erzahlt die bewegende Geschichte eines der kleinsten Fruhchen der Welt. Mariella Muller wurde am 10. September 2002 geboren. Das Wunschkind konnte es kaum erwarten, das Licht der Welt…
Werner Muller-Esterl,Werner E G Muller-Esterl,Werner M Ller-Esterl
Die Bild-DVD-ROM zum Lehrbuch Biochemie von Werner M ller-Esterl erm glicht Dozenten, die ungef hr 1000 Abbildungen und Tabellen des Buches in der Lehre zu nutzen - sei es in…
Examples for biomedical inorganic polymers that had been proven to exhibit biomedical effects and/or have been applied in preclinical or clinical trials are polysilicate / silica glass (such as naturally…
This book describes the discovery of molecules from unexploited extreme marine environments, and presents new approaches in marine genomics.
Werner G. Muller,Maria Dolores Ruiz Medina
A title that arises from the International Spring School Advances and Challenges in Space-Time modelling of Natural Events, which took place March 2010. It details developments, methods and applications in…
With the continual growth of the world’s urban population, biodiversity in towns and cities plays a critical role in global biodiversity. This book provides an overview of international developments in…
Werner Stegmaier
The very first thing one does in all situations of life is orient oneself. But what is orientation? The problems of orientation are as old as humankind, and the word…
New techniques in molecular biology have brought spectacular new insights into the study of evolution at the molecular level.