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Australian Book Retailer of the Year 2021
Steven R Jones
The Nazis were taught that the Jews lacked the intelligence and the will to resist them. They believed that the sub humans they considered the Jews to be would simply…
Available to order, ships in 7-14 daysAvailable to order
In one of the stories, Death Still Has A Name , the reader is the main character. The story is written so that it reads from the perspective of a…
Sarah pastors a small church in Northern Louisiana. Recently, she took on another job as a consultant to the parish's detective Lee. They decided to follow a string of crimes…
Available to order, ships in approx 2 weeksAvailable to order
Sarah never expected that when she was called to preach that it would totally wreck her social life. In her first pastorate, she struggled with loneliness but would not give…
Multifaceted social problems such as safety, social inclusion, poverty, mobility, rural development, city regeneration, or labour market integration require integrated approaches to steering. This book looks at various organisational arrangements…
This extensively updated second edition of the already valuable reference targets research chemists and engineers who have chosen a career in the complex and essential petroleum industry, as well as…
Available to order, ships in approx 4 weeksAvailable to order
An analysis of new global security concerns in the post-September 11 world, including weapons of mass destruction, nonmilitary dangers, and transnational actors.
Experts explore the sources of contemporary terrorism, what terrorists want, and how the United States and other countries should respond.
Addresses the roots of nationalist and ethnic wars, focusing in particular on the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia, the former Soviet Union and Kashmir. The text develops proposals for international…
Important contributions from both sides of the debate over the relationship between democracy and military victory.
Presents opposing views on the merits of formal rational choice approaches as they have been applied in the subfield of international security studies. The text includes Walt’s article Rigor or…
Offence-defence theory argues that the relative ease of offence and defence varies in international politics. This collection presents a comprehensive overview of offence-defence theory. It includes contending views on the…