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Australian Book Retailer of the Year 2021
Cancer remains one of the most challenging diseases from an epidemiologic, clinical and therapeutic perspective. The rhythm of changes in various aspects of oncological diseases, the molecular characterization of new…
Available to order, ships in 7-14 daysAvailable to order
Ion Tănăsescu
The book analyses Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint as a methodological work and as a contribution to the positive philosophy of the 19th century. It also maintains that empirical psychology…
Ambrozie Lucaci
Timpul Cautarilor este in egala masura o drama, o poveste de dragoste, un roman social, un roman politist si un roman liric. Timpul Cautarilor este o drama despre vietile intersectate…
Oameni este un roman despre intoarcerea unui tanar in Estul Europei si implicarea lui intr-o crima. Ca si prima carte din aceasta serie, Oameni langa noi , aceasta poveste este…
Bobby Jamieson
This short, readable book shows how good theology leads to transformation, life, and joy.
Mihnea Tănăsescu
Anchored in the diverse ecological practices of communities in southern Italy and Aotearoa/New Zealand, this book devises a unique and considered theoretical response to the shortcomings of global politics in…
Dr Jaerock Lee
Eu sunt DOMNUL, care te vindeca .Cat de incurajatoare este aceasta proclamatie a lui Dumnezeu pentru noi, ce suntem slabi.
Biblia ne prezinta limpede cai fundamentale prin care putem…
Natural extracts, particularly essential oils (EOs), represent a fascinating research topic due to the recognized biologically active properties (e.g., antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, etc.) of their volatile compounds. These properties have…
Tuula Pere
The Romanian edition of a story about healing, fear, and survival. One snowy night a mother hare rushes in, desperate for help. Reluctantly, the healer cat travels with her through…
Gary M Douglas,Dr Heer
Acestea sunt Cele zece chei pentru libertate deplina . Sunt un mod de viata si te vor ajuta sa-ti amplifici capacitatea de a fi constient astfel incat sa dispui de…
Mara Popescu-Vasilca
Scriitoarea Mara Popescu-Vasilca armonizeaza calitativ perimetrul interior, uman si cel mental al fiecarui personaj in raport cu identitatea mentinand echilibrul intre personajele ce gandesc si actioneaza diferit. Nora este sincera…
Kass Thomas
Ea calatoreste in toata lumea si sustine traininguri individuale si de grup, pe teme precum comunicarea, relatiile, limbajul trupului, afaceri si bani.
Marie 1844-1910 Colombier,Ferdinand C Valentine
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
This work is in the public…
Doina Logofătu
Dieses Buch ist als Lern- und Arbeitsbuch fur die Programmiersprache C konzipiert. Der Leser lernt anhand einer Vielzahl von Problemloesungen sich algorithmisches, strukturiertes Denken anzueignen und die Basiskonzepte wie Algorithmen…
Vu Xuan Tuu
Vu Xuan Tuu- mot cay but tien phong
trong thoi ki doi moi
Sinh ra tren manh dat co do Hoa Lu Ninh Binh, o tuoi nhi dong Vu Xuan…
National Learning Corporation
The Fireman, Fire Department Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and…
Available to order, ships in approx 2 weeksAvailable to order
Doi voi Phat Giao Viet Nam tai Duc trong nam 2018 co hai su kien quan trong dang ghi nho, do la le ky niem 40 nam thanh lap chua…
Tulku Thondup
Ngai Tulku Thondup trao cho chung ta nhieu hon mot khuon kho ly thuyet de dat duoc su khoe manh: Ngai cho chung ta nhung phuong phap thuc hanh da…
Tổ Quy Sơn Linh Hựu
Bai van nay duoc thien su Quy Son Linh Huu viet ra nham sach tan viec tu hoc cua do chung, nen goi la van canh sach, va lay ten…
Phu Van - Nguyen Đạo Nguyen Minh
Nhu vay, Dac San thuong nien nay co the xem nhu da chinh thuc thanh hinh va phat trien nhung buoc dau tien, voi su gop suc nuoi duong va…
Tuy la cu si, nhung ngai kinh giu luat hanh thanh tinh cua bac sa-mon. Tuy o tai nha, nhung ngai chang vuong vao ba coi.
Anna Erishkigal
Doborat pe Pamant fara a avea vreo amintire din trecut, Colonelul Fortelor Speciale Angelice, Mikhail Mannuki'ili, nu are alta alegere decat sa se integreze in satul Ninsiannei. Dar fiul Capeteniei…
Tac Giả Nhiều
Sau mot dieu mua, ba bong dung, cho nhip chuyen linh thanh moi. Qua ki 20, Tagalau tiep buoc sang trang, hoi tho tiep noi bac cha anh, Tagalau lai…
Michael Pillsbury
Cuon sach phoi bay y do cua Trung Quoc dua tren kinh nghiem lau dai lam viec voi bo Quoc phong Hoa Ky … Tai lieu bo ich cho nhung…
Vy Khanh Nguyen
Van Hoc Mien Nam 1954-1975: nhan-dinh, bien-khao va thu-tich [Literature in South Vietnam 1954-1975: Essay, Study and Bibliographical Work] / Vy Khanh Nguyen.
Dao mau nhiem huyen dieu chang the nghi ban, chi ke duoc y quen loi moi co the hieu ro rang. Cho nen The Ton phan hai cho ngoi o…
44 Nam Van Hoc Viet Nam Hai Ngoai (1975-2019) - Tap 4
44 Nam Van Hoc Viet Nam Hai Ngoai (1975-2019) - Tap 5
44 Nam Van Hoc Viet Nam Hai Ngoai (1975-2019) - Tap 3
Truong Khanh,Hoan Luan,Vy Khanh Nguyen
44 Nam Van Hoc Viet Nam Hai Ngoai (1975-2019) - Tap 6
44 Nam Van Hoc Viet Nam Hai Ngoai (1975-2019) - Tap 7
44 Nam Van Hoc Viet Nam Hai Ngoai (1975-2019) - Tap 1
44 Nam Van Hoc Viet Nam Hai Ngoai (1975-2019) - Tap 2
REV Dr Don Davis,Călin G Morar
Without question, the most dynamic spiritual force in the Church is the Spirit-inspired and illumined Word of God, the Holy Scriptures. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we affirm our deep…
Of all the subjects preached and taught by Jesus of Nazareth, none are as significant and controversial as the subject of the Kingdom of God. Both conservative and liberal scholars…