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Australian Book Retailer of the Year 2021
Old Tom Morris
This book for all ages has been called Plato and Aristotle meet Harry Potter and Lawrence of Arabia. In 1934, a thirteen-year-old boy and his uncle arrive in Cairo, launch…
Available to order, ships in 7-14 daysAvailable to order
Egypt. 1934. First there was The Oasis Within, a prologue to the series, Walid and the Mysteries of Phi. Then, Volume One was The Golden Palace. Now, the adventure continues…
In this third volume of the philosophical adventure series Walid and the Mysteries of Phi, set in Egypt in 1934, we see new dangers develop and new wisdom come into…
This is Book Four in the series Walid and the Mysteries of Phi. Egypt is threatened from two directions. The discovery of an ancient book in Alexandria will help Ali…
Dr Tom Morris
Even though it seems unrecoverable, you can grow through loss and what feels like you have lost everything.
Available to order, ships in approx 2 weeksAvailable to order
Dr. Tom Morris
Facing our own mortality is difficult. When facing death or a loss it is natural to react in pain and grief. Many people are torn down by grief, and it…
Lewis’ feelings and musings about his wife’s death were first published in 1961. Since then it has helped thousands and thousands of people who have read it or have spoken…
Grief is a process that you must work through and it is not time limited. Some never work through grief while others work through it and return to a life…
This is a book on how to coach grief groups in Public Schools in America. The principles would apply around the globe. After the how to it gives you the…
So you are a Youth Pastor or Youth Worker, and someone dies. It could be the grandparent, or parent of a youth in your ministry. Or it could be a…
It is often heard, Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas although many feel anything but happy or merry at this season or during any season, due to loss in their lives…
Kevin Cook
Previously published in hardcover by Gotham Books, 2007.
Dr. Tom Morris (editor)
Freedom was an issue in the time of Luther. Freedom is still an issue. Is freedom unlimited or are there limits. People and nations today wrestle with this issue. Consider…