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Australian Book Retailer of the Year 2021
Michael Sommer
Palmyra: A History examines Palmyra, the city in the Syrian oasis of Tadmur, from its beginnings in the Bronze Age, through the classical period and its discovery and excavation, to…
Available to order, ships in approx 2 weeksAvailable to order
Rom uberschritt mit der Herrschaft des Kaisers Augustus eine Schwelle: Der Machtbereich der Republik, die sich in einem beispiellosen Eroberungszug in einem Vierteljahrtausend das gesamte Mittelmeerbecken unterworfen hatte, wurde zu…
Available to order, ships in approx 4 weeksAvailable to order
Die Johannesoffenbarung ist ein Text, in dem sehr viele Erzahlfaden der Schriften Israels zusammenlaufen. Johannes formte aus Anspielungen auf Israels Traditionen einen Text sui generis. Der Text, den er auf…
Michael Sommers
An overview of the history and culture of France and its people including the geography, myths, arts, daily life, education, industry, and government, with illustrations from primary source documents. Ages…
Available to order, ships in 10-14 daysAvailable to order
This book provides YA readers with a rich historical description and balanced analysis of America’s complex and controversial Second Amendment. The book traces how arms themselves, their use, and their…
Studies show that teens who participate in sports are less likely to engage in destructive behavior. As we become more aware of this, programs for at-risk teens are being held…
The speed and excitement of snowmobiling also make it one of the most dangerous outdoor sports. Snowmobiler Michael A. Sommers shows teens that staying safe on the powder does not…
Michael A Sommers
This volume examine the land, people, and history of Vermont.
Fans of Avis books from Sometimes I Hear My Name to the 2003 Newbery Awardwinning Crispin: The Cross of Lead will be drawn to his fascinating life story. This new…
A look at the life and writings of J.D. Salinger, the author of Catcher in the Rye.
Discover the White Continent and its weakening ice shelves. Disturbing and potentially catastrophic changes are underway in Antarctica. Ocean levels are rising and the race is on to understand the…
There is a growing gap between the skills entry-level job seekers have and the skills needed in twenty-first century workplaces. In a series dedicated to helping teens become ready to…
In the National Football League, where players must be incredibly fast and strong just to survive, it seems almost inevitable that the use of performance-enhancing drugs would be a problem…
Chat rooms. MySpace and other social networking sites. E-mails. Blogs. Instant messages. Today’s children and teens are constantly communicating online. But do they know how to keep themselves and their…
Cocaine, one of the oldest known drugs, is an extremely addictive stimulant. It directly affects the brain, and even first-time use of the drug can be fatal. Cocaine discusses the…
College football is hugely popular in the United States. Nationwide, it is the most popular sport after professional football and baseball. With subject matter will appeal to sports fans and…
The Big 12 conference has had at least half of its basketball teams in the postseason every year in its history (the conference came into being on February 25, 1994)…
Presents interviews that span the length of Neil Gaimain’s career, from his first formal interview by the BBC at the age of seven to a new, unpublished interview held in…
Available to order, ships in 7-14 daysAvailable to order
Silicon is the second most abundant element in the earth’s crust and it is estimated to be the seventh most plentiful element in the universe. Perhaps best known for its…
Phosphorus is an extremely useful element present in everything from matches and fireworks to steel, bronze, fertilizers, pesticides, and even toothpaste. It’s also an essential part of all living things…
Explains the importance of good grooming and hygiene and how they relate to the challenges of being an adolescent male.
Fast-as-lightning cheetahs, nearly extinct white rhinoceroses, seemingly friendly koala bears–imagine waiting for hours in your perch in a tree or under a fringe of pampas grass, ears alert, eyes peeled…
A recipient of the 2000 Margaret A. Edwards Award, Chris Crutcher is best known for his books featuring athletic male protagonists on the cusp of adulthood. This volume takes a…
Tsunamis have been increasingly in the news and in peoples awareness since the disastrous Indian Ocean tsunami in December 2004. In this title, tsunamis are defined and remarkable survival stories…
Discusses addiction to cigarettes, how it is encouraged by advertising, the physiological damage it can cause, reasons to avoid starting, and ways to quit.
Neil Gaiman is one of the most critically decorated and popular authors of the last fifty years, but his work is under represented in sustained fashion in comics studies. The…
The Book of Revelation is a peculiar text whose special status in early Christianity is manifested by its manuscript attestation, transmission, literary references and discussions among early Church writers. This…
This collection investigates the political, social, cultural, and sexual ideologies that emerge from his seminal work, Lost Girls, and demonstrates how these ideologies relate to Moore’s larger body of work…
Kenneth Zahensky,Michael A Sommers
Examines the history of the snowmobile as well as the proper riding gear, accessories, and equipment that are required for the sport. Safety rules and trail signing are also described…
Michael A Sommers,Nathaniel Cross
The second amendment of the Constitution has been vigorously debated ever since it was first penned. Are firearms necessary for the preservation of freedom or is the second amendment an…
Elissa Thompson,Michael A Sommers
This … read will clearly explain how to communicate in an effective manner, all while being assertive, influential, and cooperative. Readers will find step-by-step guides on how to negotiate and…
Michael A Sommers,Kerri O'Donnell
Examines the apparent connection between birds and dinosaurs by comparing fossils, dinosaur bones, and modern birds.
Around the turn of the century, anti-fascism in Germany underwent a transformation. Instead of denouncing the prevailing social order as the natural breeding ground of fascist movements, the focus of…
Die Herausgeber haben Untersuchungen aus der Altorientalistik, der AEgyptologie, der Alten Geschichte und der alttestamentlichen Wissenschaft versammelt, um die wechselseitigen Wirkungen und Abhangigkeiten von kriegerischem Handeln, gesellschaftlichen Strukturen und Institutionen…
Michael Schamberger
Das Buch enthalt 55 Gedichte, die einen Sommer auf der Insel Juist von der Ankunft bis zur Abfahrt beschreiben. Die einzelnen Gedichte stehen fur verschiedenen Erlebnisse und Empfindungen wahrend eines…
Patrick Michael Nitti
Sommer in der Stadt ist eine Ansammlung von Kurzgeschichten. Erzahlungen - ein bisschen uber das Leben und die Liebe; ein bisschen uber uns alle. Die Eindrucke des Titelhelden ER geben…
Michael A Sommers,Tamra B Orr
The author Avi has written more than 70 children’s and young adult books and has fans–young and old–all over the world. Readers can’t help but be inspired by Avi’s life…
Michael Brumm
Goeta Toern - Ein Segelsommer Logbuch - Beobachtungen - Gedanken und Bilder einer Reise Der folgende Reisebericht wurde 2006 wahrend eines Segeltoerns von Kiel uber Fehmarn, Moen, Karlskrona, Kalmar, Harstena…
Das Buch ist ein Beitrag zur quantitativen Darstellung von Umweltqualitaten im Landschaftsmassstab und zur oekologisch-oekonomischen Bewertung von Szenarien. Obwohl am Beispiel der Landwirtschaft durchgefuhrt, sind die Methoden ohne weiteres auf…