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Australian Book Retailer of the Year 2021
Marnie Bourque Reynolds
Old Red's life continues, helping the family that lovingly restored her!
After a busy tulip season, Old Red enjoys performing the simple, everyday chores on her farm for the summer…
Available to order, ships in 7-14 daysAvailable to order
Often we see animals close to a busy road and wonder why are they putting themselves in danger?
Roads lead us to many places and are quite helpful in our…
Marnie Reynolds-Bourque
What is an auntie? An auntie is like the hot fudge on the top of an ice cream sundae…But what do auntie’s do? How are they related? This books explains…
Available to order, ships in approx 2 weeksAvailable to order
A book about being grateful for the little things...
A picturesque lighthouse sits out on the edge of land along the wide ocean, alone. She feels lonely there, overlooking the…
A new adventure for Old Red!
Old Red books were created to spark an interest in mechanical things for girls and boys alike! With easy-to-understand descriptions and detailed colorful illustrations…
Aunties tells children how aunties help the family and how much she loves them.
Old Red dreams of her glory days while waiting in a barn… will she get a chance to be useful again?
Old Red used to love working on the farm…
Enjoy colorful illustrations of a flower farm and learn how a tractor runs!
Wyatt loves spending time with his grammy... until it is bath time.
A fun filled day turns quickly to no fun when Wyatt has to have his bath.
Lucky for…
Read about one family's vintage car, and learn about antique automobiles!
Nellie Mae loved the road as soon as she came off the assembly line. Then she got old and…
Old Red helps a friend in need during the holiday season!
Learn about beloved cousins by following these happy-go-lucky squirrels. Read and celebrate the joy of being bound to others through love!
The original book in Old Red's adventures! Read about how Red was found in a barn and restored to her former glory, with simple prose and colorful illustrations.
Old Red helps a friend during the holiday season!
Andrea K Smith
A beekeeper shares his knowledge of producing honey with a student who dreams of becoming an apiarist one day in this beautiful story about the special and important lives of…