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Australian Book Retailer of the Year 2021
Imran Karkın
In einem vertrauten Umfeld zu sterben, ist fur die Mehrzahl aller Menschen von grosser Bedeutung. Gleichwohl ist das Krankenhaus in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland der Ort, an dem das Leben zahlreicher…
Available to order, ships in 7-14 daysAvailable to order
Lydia Thenmozhi N, Imran Pasha M
This book explores the transformative impact of digital health technologies on oral health care, focusing on both global advancements and specific initiatives in India. It examines how innovations like telemedicine…
Available to order, ships in approx 2 weeksAvailable to order
Michael Laitman
Doğan Keskin
Ayni anda hem hedefine varip yasadigi hayati kaldigi yerden devam ettirmek hem de geri doenup gizli olani bilmek istedi. Bu belirsizligin sikistirmasi ile ansizin duran bedenine ayak uyduramayan ruhu, varligindan…
Imran N Hosein
Imran N. Hosein wurde in Trinidad geboren. Er studierte den Islam unter der Fuhrung des vornehmen islamischen Gelehrten: Maulana Dr. Muhammad Fadlurahman Ansari, am Aleemiyah Institut fur islamische Studien, in…
Dieses Buch legt uberzeugende Argumente vor, die bestatigen, dass Gog und Magog menschliche Wesen sind. Sie wurden vor langer Zeit in die Welt hinaus entsendet und begannen mit den europaischen…
Dieses bescheidene Werk, stellt einen Versuch dar, die Surah al-Kahf des Qurans aus einem endzeitlichen Blickwinkel zu interpretieren. Da der Prophet Muhammad (Allahs Segen und Heil seien auf ihm) diese…
Jerusalem im Quran gibt sein Debut zu einem entscheidenden Zeitpunkt, als die Moral der Muslime ihren tiefsten Punkt erreicht hat. Die unverfrorenen, permanenten israelischen Einbruche in das Heilige Land sind…
Fusun Dulger Charles
Bir Diplomatin Hayat Yolculugu, idealist bir Osmanli genci olarak yetisen ve basarili bir Cumhuriyet diplomatina donusen Buyukelci Cevdet Dulger'in hayatindan kesitler sunan bir eserdir. Kitabin en onemli ozelligi, ilk doksan…
Daniel Shayesteh
Anlayis ve OEzgurluk sizlere, baska dinleri ve kulturel dunya goeruslerini oegreterek kendinizi Islami azginliktan kurtarmaniza yardim etmektedir.
Clint G Rogers
Hayatiniz degistirecek olan Kadim Sirlari kesfedin! Amerikali, kuskucu bir universite arastirmacisinin, Buda'nin hekimi ile baslamis olan usta kadim sifaci silsilesi nden sirlarin ortaya ciktigi Himalayalara uzanan yolculugunda ona katilin. Himalaya'lardaki…
Mehmet Kececi
Siirlerim edebi bir kaygi ile yazilmamistir. O an ki icimden nasil gelmisse oeyle yazilmislardir. Beni bir sair veya edebiyatci olarak degerlendirmeyiniz. Hatirati kendi yasamimdan aktarmisimdir. Destan ise hislerini o an…
Əsəd Bəy
Baki neft milyoncusunun xasta oglu atasinin izni ila sud qardasi Ali bayla birlikda yay tatilini onlarin kandinda - Qafqazin uzaq bir dag aulunda kecirmaya gedir. Yeniyetmalar qoca bir xadimin musayiati…
Die Geschichte begann mit einer goettlichen Warnung, sich nicht einem verbotenen Baum zu nahern, ein Baum der Gier - die Gier uber andere zu herrschen. Die Geschichte endet mit einem…
Lisa Morrow
Lisa Morrow Turkiye'ye ilk geldiginde Avrupa'ya ve baska diyarlara dogru muazzam bir sefere cikan gencler kervaninin bir uyesiydi. Yabanci ulkelerin manzaralari, sesleri, kokulari rengarenk gelir bu insanlara, seruven ve heyecan…
R J Red
Depicting the turbulent life of the Russian Foreign Intelligence (SVR) agent Galina and the life lessons learned from the deceptive trick played on her by the Turkish Intelligence Organization (MIT)…
W Hensel
Hans-Klaus Fri Roth Keller Schneider
A S B a Sonin Strukow
H S Bandemer Gottwald
Gulfem Alıcı
Aleppine Qasim al-‘Ulum’s work on the theory of the soul and guidance of novices is one of the central and fundamental texts of its genre and is regarded as a…
Sail A'Non
Edward Amado is in a bind. He needs a new improved Ed and to achieve this as inconspicuously as possible. This makes for a family suspense unbeknownst even to his…
Istanbul Aydin Haber Ajansi (IAHA) kuruldugu 2011 yilindan itibaren basinahaber gecmeye basladi. Ilk haberlerini Avrupa Birligi haber portali euractiv. com'a gecen ajans, universitede gerceklestirilen sempozyum, konferans ve…
Istanbul Aydin Haber Ajansi (IAHA) kuruldugu 2011 yilindan itibaren basinahaber gecmeye basladi. Ilk haberlerini Avrupa Birligi haber portali euractiv. com'a gecen ajans, …
Egemen Bagis
Dr. Mustafa AYDIN, BIL Holding Yoenetim Kurulu ve Istanbul Aydin UEniversitesi Mutevelli Heyet Baskani
‘Dreams in Islam’ is a subject which is located in knowledge internally received, and its supreme importance for the believer continually increases as the world grows in godlessness and as…
Jaerock Lee
Sizin icin goekler nasil bir yer, ne tip bir tac ve oedul hazirlandi? Bu kitap sizlere imaninizi oelcebilmeniz ve en iyi ve en olgun imana sahip olabilmeniz icin bilgi ve…
Cocuk oernek meslek secimi icin hikaye ve alinti kitabiSeviye/Level: Okumayi oegrenenler icin (5-11 yas/years).14 aylik cocuklara sizler okuyarak beyin gelisimine katki sunabilirsiniz.You can contribute to brain development…
Idries Shah
An old woman encounters an eagle for the first time. Perplexed by its appearance, she changes it to suit her own ideas of what a bird should look like -…
Aydın Suer
Aydin Suer befasst sich mit dem historischen Narrativ vom Niedergang des Osmanischen Reiches, welches den Blick osmanischer und turkischer Eliten auf sich selbst und auf Europa bis heute massgeblich beeinflusst…
Ali Tilbe,Sonel Bosnali
GOEC UEZERINE YAZIN VE KUELTUER INCELEMELERI, ALI TILBE & SONEL BOSNALI tarafindan yayina hazirlandi. Goec bireyin veya toplulugun kendi karariyla gerceklestirildigi icin, bir bakima, goenullu goec olarak nitelenebilir. Ancak bazi…
Marshall Vian Summers
… 20 yildan fazla bir sure oence, birkac farkli dunyadan bir grup birey, burada meydana gelen uzayli Mudahalesini goezlemlemek amaciyla Dunya'ya yakin gunes sistemimizde gizli bir yerde toplandi. Gizli bakis…
Cihan Serdaroğlu
Bizler hayatin icindeki, herkesin goerdugu, ancak kimsenin gercekten farkina varmadigi, yasamin goelgesindeki insanlar degil miyiz?
Yalnizlik, yoksulluk, sevgi, umut ve ask vardi. Guzeller guzeli bir kadin vardi. Hem kasvetli, hem…
Praveena N, Imran Pasha, Rekha Shenoy
Neoliberalism is the dominant ideology underpinning the operation of many governments. Its tenets include policies of economic liberalization such as privatization, deregulation, free trade and reduced public expenditures on infrastructure…
Syed Imran Hashmi,V N Pawar
Sugar Apple (Annona squamosa L.) fruit is used as a dessert because of its delicious taste, nutritive value and pronounced flavor. The fruits are highly perishable having limited shelf life…
2019 yilinin guzelliklerle birlikte verimli arastirmalara araci olmasini ve tum okuyucularimiza mutluluk getirmesini diliyoruz. Istanbul Aydin UEniversitesi Tip Fakultesi Klinikleri Dergisinin d.rduncu sayisini yayinlamis oldugumuz Ocak 2019 sayisinda hem yeni…
This work aims to help students transition from Modern Turkish into Ottoman Turkish using an exciting, easy-to-read authentic source text. This instructional material takes you back to the New York…
M M N N Guchmann Semenjuk
Goenul Aydın-Canpolat
Goenul Aydin-Canpolat greift eine der zentralen Fragen im Schnittfeld des Integrations- und des Bildungsdiskurses auf: Was sind die Determinanten erfolgreicher Bildungsverlaufe und welche Unterschiede zeigen sich hier bei Schulerinnen und…
Murat Adıvar,Youssef N Raffoul
Temel Senar,Yılmaz Ayhan,OEzyalcın Oskay OEzge
This book demonstrates the importance of raising individuals who hold advanced knowledge, attitudes, behaviours and values concerning environment and who are informed of environmental problems and of ways of solving…
Işıl Guler
Zeynep Banu Dalaman
The chapters in this book are printed through being selected from 48 papers presented at 2nd International Congress on Women and Politics in a Global World held online platform on…
Paul Asch
Keine ausfuehrliche Beschreibung fuer "Die moderne Therapie der Gonorrhoee beim Manne" verfuegbar.