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Australian Book Retailer of the Year 2021
Fred Pescatore
Including over 130 low-carbohydrate recipes, this is a 30-day plan to get you on the road to lifelong thinness.
Available to order, ships in approx 2 weeksAvailable to order
AHCC is used in orver 700 clinics and hospitals in Japan, mainly in cancer treatment. AHCC is as well researchwed as any conventional prescription drug and now this previously unknown…
Available to order, ships in 7-14 daysAvailable to order
Free yourself of allergies and asthma once and for all with Dr. Pescatore’s breakthrough program Dr. Fred Pescatore’s The Allergy and Asthma Cure reveals a unique and revolutionary understanding of…
In my view, Dr. Fred Pescatore is the heir to the Atkins throne. His diet is delicious, sound, and represents one of the best of the low-carb options. - Ann…
Originally published in hardcover in 2017 by BenBella Books.
Available to order, ships in approx 4 weeksAvailable to order
Fred Pescatore, M.D.
A REVOLUTIONARY PERSONALIZED PROGRAM FOR LIFELONG THINNESS Taking low-carb diets to the next level, Thin for Good combines clinically tested, up-to-the-minute nutritional advice with an added bonus: a revolutionary mind-body…
I’ve worked side by side with Dr. Pescatore for many years. In this book–which I heartily recommend–Dr. Pescatore teaches you how to bring health and nutrition to the next generation.–Robert…
AHCC is used in over 700 clinics and hospitals in Japan, mainly in cancer treatment. AHCC is as well researched as any conventional prescription drug and now this previously unknown…
Free yourself of allergies and asthma once and for all with Dr. Pescatore’s breakthrough program
Dr. Fred Pescatore’s The Allergy and Asthma Cure reveals a unique and revolutionary understanding of…
The number of children who have a weight problem is growing, echoing the obesity problem in adults. For these children and their parents, this text provides a sane, practical, and…