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Australian Book Retailer of the Year 2021
Gender and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene highlights the importance of WASH provision for women and girls in their own right, as carers for families and communities, and as key to…
Available to order, ships in 7-14 daysAvailable to order
Caroline Sweetman
This book highlights the need for an approach to population control which is based on reproductive rights, and stresses the importance of offering family-planning services and information in the context…
Available to order, ships in approx 4 weeksAvailable to order
This book looks at co-operation for development: between North, South, and East; women’s organizations and funding agencies; development practitioners, academics, and civil society; politicians and economists; and men and women…
This book explores women’s rights: the legal background of human rights legislation; the special human-rights problems of women in situations of conflict or as refugees; violence against women as a…
Change and upheaval are a way of life for millions of women and men throughout the world; the articles in this work assert that, while transition creates hardship and trauma…
This text studies aspects of urban life from a gender perspective, with social, technical and political aspects of urban life. Articles cover gender-sensitive urban planning; work migration; community urban regeneration…
Looking at factors as diverse as the pervasiveness of patriarchy, changing family forms, female infanticide, and land reform policies, this collection of articles considers the family from a gender perspective…
This text compares the effectiveness of approaches in aiding poverty reduction. The provision of credit and other financial services has become seen as the answer to the problem facing poor…
The articles assess the implications for gender and development policy and practice of looking at male gender identities, as the issues of men and masculinity have often been marginalised. The…
International development policy-makers of the industrialized countries are focusing on understanding and tackling northern poverty. The articles in this collection examine the phenomenon of the globalization of poverty and unemployment…
This collection of articles by development workers and researchers focuses on learning opportunities for women offered by education and training. There is a continuing imbalance in educational participation - women…
Writers here focus on campaigning and advocacy work as well as work with women who have experienced violence in countries including Russia, Guinea-Bissau and India. It includes accounts of work…
Available to order, ships in approx 2 weeksAvailable to order
Contributors assert that women’s contribution to global agricultural production for food and for profit continues to be largely unacknowledged and undervalued and that their ability to farm is constrained by…
This collection of articles from Gender and Development considers technologies of many kinds, including those intended to save women’s labour, to enable them to control their fertility and to learn…
Women throughout the world are still economically, politically and socially marginalised at a time when globalisation is radically changing our world. From the perspective of development specialists and feminist activists…
This book links gender issues to the life-courses of women and men. Writers here call for development policy and practice to recognise this vast contribution, and enforce the rights of…
Women and Leadership is about women resisting exploitation in the workplace; women heading households; women leading in the international policy forum. It offers insights for development policy makers and practitioners…
Focusing upon microfinance and micro-credit issues, the contributors to this volume ask just what role does earning play in transforming the power relations between men and women? How far does…
Articles included here focus on understandings of reproductive health; integrating gender issues into infectious disease prevention; the impact of HIV/AIDS on women; working with communities to promote health and on…
While the difficulties of integrating gender equity goals into interventions are acknowledged, the authors argue that gender-blind responses can further endanger the survival of women and their families and their…
The contributors consider current debates about men and masculinity and argue that gender and development theory, fully expressed in practice, means not only working with women, but also with, and…
This book considers the gendered dimensions of climate change. It shows how gender analysis has been widely overlooked in debates about climate change and its interactions with poverty and demonstrates…
This volume analyses approaches to economic and political change and propose ways of ensuring that ideas are translated into concrete actions. The aim is to re-politicise the gender and development…
This book traces the economic and social impact of inequality in marriage, and considers its implications for development. Looking at child marriage; the link between women’s economic contribution, equality within…
Topics here include the tension between cultural sensitivity and universal concepts of rights; reinterpretations of citizenship in communities where the state has failed to guarantee political or economic rights and…
This collection focuses on implications for development goals of poverty alleviation and human rights. In particular, critiques from Southern women challenge development organisations for their inadequate and inappropriate policy and…
Authors here share experience of working with men to question traditional ideas about masculinity. Men rejecting these norms are not only happier, but are also critical allies with women in…
This book shows how women are finding ways to influence national and international trade policy agendas in developed countries and are joining forces in global forums to campaign for reforms…
This book draws on the experience of organizations working to promote women’s full participation in the development process, looking at the obstacles that stand in the way; examining gender auditing…
This book examines how gender inequalities impact on people’s experiences of poverty and demonstrates the importance of integrating gender analysis into development initiatives. Covering a range of issues including macro-level…
This collection explores conflict prevention through development projects when resources are scarce, and agreements between groups come under strain. Other activities take place to arrest existing conflicts, by forming alliances…
This collection focuses on the Millennium Development Goals from a gender perspective. It examines the strengths and weaknesses of this way of understanding and addressing poverty, and suggests ways of…
This collection explores the complex links between social and economic development and religious and spiritual belief. Writers explore the scope for promoting women’s rights and needs offered by religious belief…
This collection explores the wide range of reasons why women and men decide to move within and outside their native countries, whether it be for employment, upon marriage or in…
Contributions from feminist activists, development researchers and workers here focus on collective forms of enterprise to maximise co-operation between poor women entrepreneurs, women workers’ rights and corporate accountability, gender and…
Articles in this collection chart the experience, challenges, and successes of gender equality advocates from area including Pakistan, Australia, and southern Africa.
Gender, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning explores the tools and approaches used by different organizations to monitor women’s economic empowerment, incidence of violence against women and girls and other aspects of…
This collection explores how young women’s movements, along with the support they need, can offer a model of political, intersectional work to guide and re-politicise international development.
This book maps the emerging impact of the economic crisis on people in different contexts, and suggest policy and practice changes. Authors include researchers as well as policymakers and development…
Writers in this book explore women’s experience of care work in different contexts from a feminist perspective, highlighting the impact that care work has for their lives, choices and wellbeing…
Articles discuss how gender mainstreaming has been understood in different organisations; provide examples of good work, which supports the empowerment of women; and look beyond gender mainstreaming to what new…
Gender and Inequalities surveys economic growth and gender inequality around the world, discusses how livelihoods projects have focused on economic empowerment alone, without measuring the relative impacts on men and…