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Australian Book Retailer of the Year 2021
Abdenal Carvalho
VINGANCA e a historia de uma adolescente que se ve forcada a cometer um crime enquanto tenta salvar sua mae das garras de um terrivel agressor, e desde entao sua…
Available to order, ships in 7-14 daysAvailable to order
Davi pode ser lembrado como um dos poucos adoradores completamente devotados ao Senhor, que aprendeu a ama-lo de maneira espontanea e sem reservas. Sua profunda entrega aos cuidados de Deus…
Refletir na Palavra de Deus diariamente e a forma mais pratica e viavel do cristao se manter conectado com Cristo e ficar em sintonia permanente com o Espirito Santo, que…
Refletir na Palavra de Deus diariamente e a forma mais pratica e viavel do cristao se manter conectado com Cristo e ficar em sintonia permanente com o Espirito Santos, que…
Um poeta e alguem capaz de exteriorizar o que pensa e sente seu ser interior, com alegria ou tristeza, a poesia e a expressao viva da alma que atraves de…
Numa epoca em que o racismo imperava numa sociedade preconceituosa e o unico futuro reservado aos negros era a escravidao, uma menina de pele escura recebe a oportunidade de ser…
A infancia triste e infeliz, feita sob extrema pobreza, o abandono do pai, a morte repentina da mae e devido as criticas feitas pelos colegas de escola por ele ser…
Vivemos num mundo onde devido a vida agitada que levamos por diversos fatores temos pouco tempo para refletir na Palavra de Deus e dar maior importancia ao nosso Ser espiritual…
Poetry is the most perfect and complete expression of the human spirit, the very definition of love and life reflected through the thought of the poet who transforms in verses…
INES is the story of a woman who, despite being born in a tribe located on the African continent and living under the anguish of hunger and poverty that that…
We live in a world where, due to the hectic life we lead by various factors, we have little time to reflect on the Word of God and give greater…
Paulo Henrique is left at the altar for the fourth time after several attempts to be happy in love and goes into a deep depression. Disappointed and totally disgusted with…
REVENGE is the story of a teenager who is forced to commit a crime while trying to save her mother from the clutches of a terrible aggressor, and since then…
SOPHIA is the fictional story of a woman who, since childhood, suffers from being born into an inadequate and miserable family, but carries in her heart the hope that one…
At a time when the Northeastern population was punished by intense misery, due to the terrible drought that cracked their feet under the scorching sun that seemed to hate them…
Breve recuerdo es la historia ficticia de un hombre que, incluso ante lo imposible, llega a la cima y se hace millonario, a pesar del alto precio a pagar y…
SOFIA es la historia de ficcion de una mujer que, desde pequena, sufre porque nacio en una familia inadecuada y miserable, pero tiene en su corazon la esperanza de que…
En un momento en el que la poblacion nororiental era castigada con una intensa miseria, debido a la terrible sequia que resquebrajaba sus pies bajo el sol abrasador que parecia…
Marcos fue un importante escritor con una inteligencia incomparable para la literatura, su impresionante capacidad para crear historias en un corto espacio de tiempo le valio varios premios, asi como…
Carlos Franca fue un pastor evangelico de gran prestigio entre los cristianos de su comunidad, por ser elocuente en sus sermones y por convencer facilmente a los oyentes a convertirse…
En un momento en el que el color y la raza definen la importancia de las personas, una joven esclava lucha contra todo y contra todos al final para demostrar…
Era una familia de clase baja similar a todas las demas, con sus dificultades sociales y economicas que le impedian presumir de lujo y grandeza. El dia a dia de…
En un mundo donde el poder de las tinieblas ha dominado al ser humano hasta el punto de hacerle olvidar las verdades divinas, dos seres surgen de un plan superior…
Cuando sufrimos demasiado por las desilusiones de la vida, especialmente en el amor, perdemos la confianza en los demas y cada dia muere la esperanza de ser felices. Sin embargo…
The story of the long journey carried out by the church through the centuries, the advancement of Christianity and the overcoming of so many obstacles so that it could reach…
My martyrdom under power The darkness that tormented me throughout my childhood, adolescence and youth was terrible, they touched me all over my body, their icy hands slid over me…
Leading is the act of lead certain groups of people towards a common goal, where one of those involved was chosen to target a certain number of individuals up to…
COVID - 19 es la epidemia mas reciente que aparece sobre la faz de la tierra como resultado del derramamiento de las Siete Copas de la Ira de Dios sobre…
From the beginning of creation, God’s true plan was to form man, his image and likeness, to inhabit the earth and multiply, and then begin to worship him in the…
Most Christians, especially the most religious, usually ask themselves why they dedicate themselves so much to prayer and obedience to the liturgies of the worship of God and hardly receive…
The church of Christ had its beginning from the moment he started to select his first disciples and commissioned them to go preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15)…
The Psalms are more than simple songs and prayers made by a man completely devoted to his Creator, they help us to understand what kind of relationship there must be…
We live in a world where, due to the hectic life we lead, due to various factors, we have little time to reflect on the Word of God and give…
Brief Recollection is the fictional story of a man who, even in the face of the impossible, reaches the top and becomes a millionaire, despite the high price to be…
The greatest barrier that prevents man from returning to full communion with his Creator is the absence of a genuinely true faith, and the mistaken idea that things happen in…
This work aims to awaken in my readers the importance of understanding the real reasons that lead them to be here, on this planet, as well as encouraging them to…
Esta e uma obra de cunho biblico cujo proposito e conscientizar a igreja de Jesus Cristo a buscar o preparo necessario para saber lidar com diferentes situacoes neste seculo presente…
A solidao e considerada pela maioria dos estudiosos nesta area como o Mal do Seculo , isso porque afeta milhares de pessoas em todo o mundo. Sua cura e buscada…
Liderar es el acto de conducir a ciertos grupos de personas hacia un objetivo comun, donde uno de los involucrados fue elegido para apuntar a un cierto numero de individuos…