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Australian Book Retailer of the Year 2021
Detailed historical context, biographies of each writer, and evocative illustrations support this meaningful collection of urban sketches and enrich our understanding of the Jewish East End.
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The essays collected in this volume and written between 1959-1980 clearly belong to professional philosophy in both tone and context. Yet their ultimate aim is to explore larger problems and…
Available to order, ships in 7-14 daysAvailable to order
Langdimania is a land that only exists in the imagination of a twelve-year-old boy named Army. Or does it? Army has a lot on his plate (travelling between two worlds…
Available to order, ships in approx 2 weeksAvailable to order
Will Lach
Featured artists include Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, Sandro Botticelli, Gilbert Stuart, Toshusai Sharaku, Archibald J. Motley Jr., Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Rogier van der Weyden, Diego Velazquez.
Available to order, ships in approx 4 weeksAvailable to order
Jorgen Lach,Jeorgen Lach
Aberglauben wird in dieser Arbeit als ein geistiges Phanomen analysiert und an den Kriterien der modernen Naturwissenschaft und der (christlichen) Religion gemessen. Die fliessenden Ubergange zwischen den genannten Erkenntnisbereichen und…
Rosamond Kent Sprague
Presents the translations of The Laches and Charmides . This title includes notes and a bibliography.
Indeed, Lysimachus, you ought not to give him up; for I can assure you that I have seen him maintaining, not only his father’s, but also his country’s name. He…
This Book "Laches" has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book…
Platon: Laches Entstanden etwa zwischen 399 und 393 v. Chr. Erstdruck (in lateinischer UEbersetzung durch Marsilio Ficino) in: Opera, Florenz o. J. (ca. 1482/84). Erstdruck des griechischen Originals in: Hapanta…
In this dialogue, Plato has dwelled on the subjects of philosophy, education and ethics. He also discusses the true scope of courage and how it renders men great. As in…
This edition of Plato’s Laches is part of the Bristol Classical Press Greek Texts series.
Pamela A. Lach
Gives advice on complicated wedding issues such as: How can I let guests know about my wedding website? When should I mail save-the-date cards? and How do I seat divorced…
Answering hundreds of questions about content, style, and etiquette, this title helps newlyweds write thank-you notes that are both personal and appropriate.
John Lachs
Philosopher John Lachs observes that humans today live lives of comfort but also sees that these comfortable lives come at a cost: our increasing unhappiness. In The Cost of Comfort…
Vivi Lachs
New perspectives on Anglo-Jewish history via the poetry and song of Yiddish-speaking immigrants in London from 1884 to 1914.
Detailed analysis of the popular poetry and song of Yiddish-speaking immigrants in London from 1884-1914.
Lache Sally
Are you looking for tasty recipes yet easy to cook that can work on your air fryer?
If yes, then this GoWISE Air Fryer Cookbook is the best book you…
This book encourages teachers to be imaginative about their subject and gives an important strategy for student motivation. It comes with a CD ROM which can be used in the…
In the VANDERBILT LIBRARY OF AMERICAN PHILOSOPHY, a book which reflects on the joy of living and the hatred of death. Written by the author of INTERMEDIATE MAN and THE…
Reminds us that philosophy is not merely a remote subject of academic research and discourse, but an ever-changing field which can help us navigate through some of the chaos of…
Maren Lach
Die Bevoelkerung in Deutschland wird immer alter. Dieser demografische Wandel ist auch beim Krankenhaus-Personal deutlich spurbar, denn das Durchschnittsalter der beschaftigten Pflegekrafte auf den Stationen und in den Fachabteilungen steigt…
Max Lachs
Lach Sack,Lach Sack
Mittlerweile gibt es eine riesige Menge an Buchern mit meist lahmen Witzen auf den zweiten Blick. Die Auswahl des richtigen Buches fallt mitunter sehr schwer. Wir haben uns auf die…
Mark Lachs
Aging well frequently involves feeling blindly through a complex medical world: dealing with multiple doctors, facing baffling financial decisions, and figuring out whether a parent needs care outside the home…
Andre Lach
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich Sport - Bewegungs- und Trainingslehre, Note: 1,5, Otto-von-Guericke-Universitat Magdeburg (Institut fur Sportwissenschaft), Veranstaltung: Basketball - Seminar zur vertiefenden Praxis, 10 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis…
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Sport - Sportarten: Theorie und Praxis, Note: 1,0, Otto-von-Guericke-Universitat Magdeburg, Veranstaltung: Leichtathletik - Seminar zur spezialisierten Ausbildung, 4 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch…
Jessica Lach
Projektarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Soziale Arbeit / Sozialarbeit, Note: 1,3, HAWK Hochschule fur angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst - Fachhochschule Hildesheim, Holzminden, Goettingen (Soziale Arbeit), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract…
This collection of philosophical essays discusses a range of key personal and social issues relevant to professionals and academics alike.
Arthur Lach
This collection of interconnected philosophical essays discusses a range of important personal and social issues. Topics covered include the role of education, questions about death and afterlife, bioethics and discussions…
Adam Lach
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2004 im Fachbereich BWL - Marketing, Unternehmenskommunikation, CRM, Marktforschung, Social Media, Note: 1,7, Universitat Rostock, 77 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In Hinblick auf die…
John Lachs, one of American philosophys most distinguished interpreters, turns to William James, Josiah Royce, Charles S. Peirce, John Dewey, and George Santayana to elaborate stoic pragmatism, or a way…
The author claims that we are surrounded by people who seem to know what is good for us better than we do ourselves. He discusses the joy of choice and…
Designed to guide the student or scholar through the maze of books and articles on the philosophy of Marx and Marxism-Leninism, this bibliography should be an essential aid, not only…
Roman Lach
Die traditionsreiche Reihe QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE gehoert zum festen Bestand renommierter Publikationsforen der Deutschen Literaturwissenschaft. Von Mark-Georg Dehrmann und Christiane Witthoeft herausgegeben, prasentiert die Reihe hochwertige…
Denise Lach
From India to Ethiopia, Tibet and beyond, the author has travelled widely in the world of script. She documents complex and simple characters, playful shapes and vibrant colours, which she…
Introduces a range of inspiring calligraphy and lettering practices from around the world and practical projects suited to anyone inspired to try their hand at this rewarding, meditative activity.
Available to order, ships in 5-9 daysAvailable to order
Plato, A Lloyd
In The Laches, one of Plato's most famous dialogues, Socrates debates the nature of courage and bravery with two Athenian generals. Focusing on the relationship between knowledge and action, The…
M T Tatham
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
This work is in the "public…