Laura Tingle in conversation
Please note: This is an online event.
Join us online to hear Laura Tingle discuss her latest Quarterly Essay, The High Road- What Australia can Learn from New Zealand.
In a tumultuous year, Australia and New Zealand have never been closer, as we move towards a shared travel zone. But why, despite being so close, do we seem to know so little about each other? And is there such a thing as national character?
In this wise and illuminating essay, Laura Tingle looks at leadership, character andtwo nations in transition. In the past half-century, both countries have remadethemselves amid shifting economic fortunes. New Zealand has been held up as amodel for everything from privatisation to the conduct of politics to the response toCOVID. Tingle considers how both countries have been governed, and the differentway each has dealt with its colonial legacy. What could Australia learn from NewZealand? And New Zealand from Australia?
This is a perceptive, often amusing introduction to two countries alike in some ways,but quite different in others.
This is an online event and free to attend. Please book here, and you will be sent a unique Zoom link.
How to ‘attend’ a virtual event at Readings
This event commences online at 5pm using the video conferencing platform Zoom.
To book for this event, you must provide your email address.
To ensure the Zoom event stays private, participants will be emailed an unique zoom link and a password 30 minutes before the event begins on the day of the event. Please check your email.
All bookings for online events will be closed one hour before the event begins.
You do not need to a Zoom account to join a meeting, but mobile users will need to download the Zoom app for their device. Desktop and laptop users can either download the Zoom application or access the event via their web browser.