Over The Sun by Tinpan Orange
[[tinpan-orange]]Over recent years, Tinpan Orange have evolved from a brother-and-sister duo to a dynamic five-piece, now including Harry Angus from The Cat Empire. Over the Sun is their third album, borne from a major life change: parenthood. Emily Lubitzs’ vocals glide like a bird over the sun reflecting on past loves, past lives, and fond and painful memories of days gone by spiralling into a frenzy of madness.
Over the Sun is a homage to becoming a family and the cocktail of emotions that come with it – strength, fragility, fatigue, resentment and overpowering love. Personal highlights are ‘Like Snow’, ‘Round the Twist’, ‘Lamb’ and ‘Tattoo on Her Wrist’.
[[emily-harms-pic]] Emily Harms