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Australian Book Retailer of the Year 2021
Robert Colacurcio
The provocative title of this book is meant for the reader to instantly protest and think, "What? No way!" Suppose you had just been treated to an elegant and completely…
Available to order, ships in 7-14 daysAvailable to order
Once one has become truly friendly and familiar with the naturally occurring timeless and spacious dimension of mind, there is an all-embracing readiness. And why is that? Because one cannot…
Sometimes depressions feels like being possessed by something beyond your control. In the year 2021, the author was clinically diagnosed (medicated) for depression, anxiety, hallucinations and dementia, and was considered…
This book is about the prison the Catholic Church disguises as pasture for its sheep. If a sheep is unaware of being "flocked up," or being aware, chooses to stay…
The subtitle of this book is "Impermanence as the Key to Wisdom." Actually the word "wisdom" occurs only infrequently as in the expression "the arc of evolution leads to the…
This collection of essays is intended to be a sequel to my previous book, On the True Nature of the Soul: Essays for the Seriously Curious. The basic themes are…
This book is about the perils and pitfalls of the busy mind. Busyness not only challenges our mental and physical health; there are also the subliminal messages that come hidden…
From my long observation of the human scene, it's no "bridge too far" to say that most people most of the time are following some guidance for direction that is…
Available to order, ships in approx 2 weeksAvailable to order
The three self-contained works in this compilation are: No Urgency: or How We Fiddle with Eternity Complete, Not Completed Why This Ignorance? These works build on the earlier books in…
In Teilhard's view, however, evolution is necessarily benign because of the elemental influence that the Christic Incarnation has upon all matter. Cosmologically, in his view, the map allows for only…
Robert Colacurcio, PhD