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Australian Book Retailer of the Year 2021
Patricia Ann Kuess
Book I provides an intimate glimpse of camp life in the Union Army during the Civil War.
There’s a memorable cast of characters, the most being Sergeant Johnathan Traver, a…
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Johnathan Traver, a Master Sergeant in the Union Army, has a death wish-- one of glory awash in crimson. Such a death would free him from the pain of his…
The Civil War is over for Master Sergeant Johnathan Traver and Private Esher Coley, both badly injured in the Battle of Fredericksburg in May of 1863, a devastating loss for…
It is late Spring, 1864. Paramours Johnathan Traver and Esher Coley, and Gladys, the mother Esher adopted on the abortive wagon train they all endured, are traveling the Prairie searching…
Easterner Johnathan Traver joined the Union Army to die a glorious, crimson death. He feels a valiant death will liberate him from his abusive boyhood. Yet in April of 1862…
It is May, 1863. The Battle of Fredericksburg is over; it was a disaster for the Union Army. Johnathan Traver, a Union Army Sergeant, is badly concussed, Esher Coley, his…
It is spring, 1864. Johnathan and Esher, paramours, survived serving in the Civil War as Union soldiers, and now they are on their way to achieve their dream: homesteading on…
When Johnathan Traver joined the Union Army in October of 1861, he imagined a glorious and noble death awash in crimson. Eight months later, a survivor of Shiloh, Johnathan is…