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Australian Book Retailer of the Year 2021
Abdenal Carvalho
Miguel Ramos is the only heir to a huge sum of millions of dollars, in addition to an immense number of companies, which makes him the largest industrialist in the…
Available to order, ships in 7-14 daysAvailable to order
Man is the main figure within the universe created by God. There are many wonderful things within creation, but man is the most important of them all. it is considered…
Jesus presents three metaphors about prayer: ask, seek and knock. The first word ("ask", Gr. aiteite) means to pray with a sense of dependency. It is used by the person…
At the end of 2022, we decided to present our readers with an excellent literary work in thanks for having had your company on this long journey that is reading…
This work reflects the outburst of someone deeply hurt by the loss of someone he loved, expressing his guilt, pain, sadness, fears, unrequited passions, his love failures, his constant disappointments…
For many years I lived in the bosom of a Christian community, pretending to possess a false holiness, while behind the curtain I practiced the worst acts of immorality, along…
Joana is the fictional story of a young woman who, due to her less privileged appearance, became a source of scorn and contempt from the boys with whom she never…
In this first volume of "Biblical Studies", I wish to present to my readers one of my best works ever produced in the Biblical/Theological field, with in-depth research carried out…
Man's knowledge of the Word of God will make him a being instructed in all truth to go correctly towards the heavenly mansions and live worthily in this world, faithfully…
For a long eternity we were destined to defend the spiritual world and never allow darkness to invade paradise, but after being banished from the heavens we united and formed…
Jesus apresenta tres metaforas sobre a oracao: pedir, buscar e bater. A primeira palavra ("pedir", grego: aiteite) significa rezar com um sentimento de dependencia. E usado pela pessoa que vem…
The OS SUPERNATURAL trilogy brings together the three stories that tell the origin of human beings endowed with immense unusual powers received from the God of the Universe to combat…
Os Salmos sao mais que simples canticos e oracoes feitas por um homem completamente devotado ao seu Criador, eles nos ajudam a compreender qual o tipo de relacao que deve…
A oracao e a forma como temos acesso a presenca de Deus e adentramos o seu santuario para lhe pedir suas misericordias, sem esta bencao divina que herdamos atraves da…
El Personaje humano refleja la personalidad interior de cada individuo y se revela externamente a traves de sus actos y la conducta moral que ejerce en el entorno en el…
When we suffer too much the disappointments of life, especially in love, we lose trust in other people and the hope of being happy dies every day. However, we need…
In a world where the power of darkness has dominated the human being to the point of making him forget the divine truths, two beings emerge from a superior plan…
The sad and unhappy childhood, carried out in conditions of extreme poverty, the abandonment of the father, the sudden death of the mother and due to the criticism that his…
Vera Lucia is the story of a woman dominated by an uncontrollable sexual desire who ends up falling in love with a man with similar characteristics. Throughout the plot, the…
After the end of the union of her parents, at only ten years old, her mother is abandoned to her fate and ends up having to live with an evil…
From the beginning of creation, God’s true plan was to form man, his image and likeness, to inhabit the earth and multiply, and then begin to worship him in the…
The greatest barrier that prevents man from returning to full communion with his Creator is the absence of a genuinely true faith, and the mistaken idea that things happen in…
In this special special edition, several works with biblical themes that were previously published separately are gathered, allowing the reader to purchase them together in a single volume. With this…
David can be remembered as one of the few completely devoted worshipers of the Lord who learned to love him spontaneously and unreservedly. His deep surrender to God’s care, fervent…
To encourage our faithful readers to create or complete their collections of literary works with low investment costs, without diminishing the quality of our products, we decided to publish the…
In this second collection of literary histories we bring a selection of great titles well accepted by the critics and spread among our readers in several parts of the world…
The author, together with Blurb, decided to present his readers around the world with five volumes of this wonderful collection, which brings together different titles of works already known internationally…
In this fifth edition of Collections of Fiction Stories, we have made a great effort to bring our most assiduous readers the best of the works of author Abdenal Carvalho…
In difficult times like the ones we are living, where the danger of imminent death ends up incarcerating us inside our own homes and sometimes we are forced to be…
The Psalms are more than simple songs and prayers made by a man completely devoted to his Creator, they help us to understand what kind of relationship there must be…
I bring my readers news about the content of this work, presenting more concise texts and a deeper explanation of each topic, increasing the knowledge and understanding of each biblical…
Prayer is the most correct way to speak to God and express to him our material and spiritual needs, our thanks for the blessings received, our worship and recognition of…
Prudent people reflect, think carefully before acting or making any decision. Biblical knowledge is not only useful for the spiritual side, but for all aspects of human life, as it…
The saga Os Supernaturais is the story of a heroine who, since her childhood, felt different from other children, due to her accelerated physical growth, the ease with which she…
Liderar e o ato de conduzir determinados grupos de pessoas em direcao a um objetivo em comum, onde um dos envolvidos foi escolhido para direcionar determinado numero de individuos ate…
Apos ter alcancado o ponto mais alto de minhas ambicoes e ter me tornado um homem de extrema importancia meio a comunidade crista da qual pertencia, ocupando uma posicao eclesiastica…
Despues de alcanzar la cima de mis ambiciones, me olvide de Dios y de la responsabilidad que deberia tener para con su iglesia, mi familia y conmigo mismo. De esta…
Quando o sentimento que nasce no coracao e verdadeiro nem mesmo as diferencas sociais, culturais ou raciais que geram o preconceito nas mentes cauterizadas pelo orgulho serao capazes de impedir…
A maior barreira que impede o homem de voltar a ter uma plena comunhao com seu Criador e a ausencia de uma fe genuinamente verdadeira, e a erronea ideia de…