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Australian Book Retailer of the Year 2021
Tuula Pere
The Hindi edition of a warm book about survival.After a landslide, the people of a mountain village are forced to leave their ruined homes and embark on a difficult journey…
Available to order, ships in 7-14 daysAvailable to order
After devastation caused by a landslide, the people of a small mountain village are forced to leave their ruined homes and embark on a difficult journey towards the valley.However, an…
The Hindi edition of a book about friendship and helping.Colin the Crab, the most skillful builder on the eastern riverbank, never hesitates to help his friends. Now Colin is busy…
The Hindi edition of Colin the Crab Finds a Treasure , a book about friendship and loyalty. Colin the Crab starts to wonder if his life is a bit too…
The Hindi edition of a warm book about generations, injury, and healing.Stella is spending lots of time with Grandpa at a rock quarry. But when Grandpa has a bad bike…
The Hindi edition of a warm story about moving and getting new friends.Just before the new school year, Stella’s parents tell her some terrible news: the family is moving. At…
The Hindi edition of a warm book about healing and friendship.A strange pharmacist has moved to Berry Bay. She wears odd wigs, doesn’t like children, and snaps at all the…
The Hindi edition of a warm story about circus, dogs, and dementia.A seasoned circus dog is growing old and tricks are getting difficult. Luckily the new puppy, Rolly, is a…
Roscoe, a seasoned circus dog, is growing old. Tricks he once performed with ease are getting difficult. Luckily the new puppy, Rolly, is a quick learner. She helps out her…
In a faraway mountain valley, the peace between two villages is shattered when doubt creeps into people’s minds.There is a cure for soothing the outbreak of hate among the villagers…
Two harbor towns are feuding so furiously that they decide to build high stone walls around between the towns. A pier that they used to share is now empty.Could the…
The Hindi edition of a political satire of a power-loving fox. Francis the Fox has great plans for the future. Leaving his den behind, he marches to the city in…
The Hindi edition of a tale about an ambitious power-loving young fox.Francis the Fox will stop at nothing as he pursues his big dream of building The Fox’s Palace on…
Francis the Fox has been dreaming of acquiring some land near the sea to build a local attraction called The Fox’s Palace. Now the devious fox has found the perfect…
The German edition of a story about survival.Little Sunita and her family are trying to start a new life after a terrible fire. Parents are busy building their new home.
The German edition of a warm story about survival.For the first time, the shepherd boy, Nicky, is alone in the mountains with his herd of goats. All of a sudden…
The German edition of a warm book about survival.After a landslide, the people of a mountain village are forced to leave their ruined homes and embark on a difficult journey…
The German edition of a warm story about generations and summer vacation. Jonty is a little uneasy about spending his summer vacation with Grandma Gladys. Spending time with Grandma turns…
The German edition of a political satire of a power-loving fox.Francis the Fox has great plans for the future. Leaving his den behind, he marches to the city in his…
The German edition of a warm story about friendship and loyalty.Norman and Milly the Mole plan to grow fruit and vegetables for all their forest friends again this year. Then…
The Swedish edition of a tale about an ambitious power-loving young fox. Francis the Fox will stop at nothing as he pursues his big dream of building The Fox’s Palace…
Mita tehdaan, jos leikki jaa pahasti kesken tai uutiset pelottavat? Enta, jos kukaan ei ehdi kuunnella pienta kotiin palaajaa?
Moni arkinen tilanne voi olla lapselle vaikea, ja aikuisen tuki on…
Lapsen tarpeiden kuunteleminen kodin arjessa saastaa monelta harmilta. Parhaat ratkaisut loeytyvat yhdessa, eika ripaus leikkimieltakaan ole haitaksi.
Perheen luontoretkella on kivaa. Vai onko?
Lapsi voi vasya pitkalla polulla, jannittaa uimista tai palella veneessa. Metsakin on taynna outoja aania! Aikuisen tuella tutustuminen uuteen ymparistoeoen sujuu hyvin, ja seuraavallekin…
Luontoretkella on kivaa - tai ainakin pitaisi olla! Lapsen tuntemuksia oudossa ymparistoessa on hyva kuunnella. Sopivalla tuella luonnosta tulee rakas paikka.
Lapsen mielesta matka voi olla aivan liian pitka, ruoka outoa ja vieraat ihmiset pelottavia. Leikkihetki puistossa, hauskasti tarjotut maistiaispalat tai automatkan yhteinen sanaleikki voivat olla juuri sopiva apu. Onneksi retkisangynkin…
Lapsiperheen matkanteossa on omat erityispiirteensa. Matka voi olla pitka, ruoka pahaa ja vieraat pelottavia. Onneksi on monta keinoa, milla pienta matkalaista voi auttaa.
Ava seuraa tarkasti linnunpesan elamaa ikkunansa ulkopuolella. Han innostuu auttamaan linnunpoikasta, joka putoaa nurmikolle. Voisiko han opettaa sen laulamaan ja lentamaan?
Ava closely watches life in a bird’s nest outside…
Axelin naapuri on tuonut kotiinsa kissan loeytoeelaintalosta. Axel ja hanen ystavansa Ava lupaavat auttaa kissavahteina. Se on kuitenkin hankalampaa kuin he arvaavatkaan.
Axel’s neighbor has brought home a cat from…
Axel tahrii vahingossa isoaitinsa maton mustikoilla. Mummin iltapaivaunien aikana han yrittaa korjata virheen itse. Tulos yllattaa molemmat!
By accident, Axel stains his grandmother’s rug with blueberries. During Granny’s afternoon nap…