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Biografi Kehidupan Nabi Isa AS atau Jesus Christ Utusan Tuhan Yang Terakhir Untuk Kaum Bani Israel Dalam Pandangan Islam Bersumberkan Dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran Dan Al-Hadist. In Islam faith, Prophet…
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Segala puji bagi Allah SWT Tuhan semesta alam, shalawat dan salam semoga tercurahkan kepada Nabi dan Rasul termulia, Nabi kita Muhammad, kepada keluarganya dan para sahabatnya, amma ba'du Kepada setiap…
Surah Al-Jinn (Arab:
, Jin ) adalah surah ke-72 dalam Kitab Suci Al-Qur'an. Surah ini tergolong surah Makkiyah dan terdiri atas 28 ayat. Dinamakan al-Jinn yang berarti Bangsa Jin diambil…
Allah the Almighty revealed: Remember when your Lord said to the angels: ‘Verily, I am going to place mankind generations after generations on earth.’ They said: ‘Will You place therein…
Kisah hikayat kehidupan Aminah Binti Wahab ibunda Nabi Muhammad SAW Utusan Tuhan Semesta Alam Yang Terakhir bersumberkan dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran & Hadist Nabi. The story of Aminah Bint Wahab…
Terapi Menggunakan Ayat Ayat Suci Al-Quran Yang Bermanfaat Untuk Mengobati Dan Menghilangkan Perasaan Cemas, Takut, Stress serta Depresi Sesuai Ajaran Nabi Muhammad SAW Dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Stress is anything that…
Complete list free and opensource video editor for indie movie maker and new youtube creator.
I am an ant, so of course I know why Allah SWT created us ants. But you know, I fail to understand why Allah created man.
I find it quite…
Panduan Untuk Menghemat Pulsa & Kuota Data Internet Smartphone Dan Tablet Android Secara Bertahap Lengkap Dengan Gambar Untuk Pemula. Guide To Conserve Internet Data Toll & Quota Android Smartphones And…
It is a known fact that every language has one or more terms that are used to refer to God and sometimes to lesser deities at the same time. This…
Panduan Transfer Uang Menggunakan ATM Ke Rekening Sesama Bank Dan Ke Rekening Bank Yang Berbeda Untuk Pemula Secara Bertahap Lengkap Dengan Gambar Dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
Islam adalah agama yang sempurna (kamil) dan menyeluruh (syamil). Islam mengatur kehidupan manusia dalam berbagai aspek termasuk dalam dunia perawatan dan pengobatan. Allah swt yang maha pengasih dan penyayang kepada…
Our success in this life depends on our sincere efforts to the best of our abilities. It is the mercy of Allah that He does not demand results, Alhamdu lillah…
Among the blessings and favors that God has bestowed upon humanity is that He endowed them with an innate ability to recognize and acknowledge His existence. He placed this awareness…
Panduan praktis untuk melaksanakan ibadah shalat sesuai ajaran Nabi Muhammad SAW bersumberkan dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran dan Al-Hadist Untuk Masyarakat Umum.
The word wicca comes from the Saxon root wicce, loosely translated as wise or to bend or shape the unseen forces. Wicca is the largest of the Neopagan religions which…
25 Ways To Deal With Stress, Anger, Anxiety and Depression In Islam Faith Based from The Noble Quran and Al-Hadith from Prophet Muhammad SAW The Last Messenger of Allah SWT…
Prophet Nuh ibn Lamech ibn Methuselah known as Prophet Noah in the Old Testament, is recognized in Islam as a prophet and apostle of Allah SWT (God). He is an…
Prophet Abraham (Pbuh) left Egypt accompanied by his nephew Luth (Pbuh), who then went to the city of Sodom (Sadum), which was on the western shore of the Dead Sea…
Kitab Arba'in Nawawiyyah yang ditulis oleh ulama besar Imam an-Nawawi rahimahullah adalah sebuah kitab yang penuh rahmat dan berkah. Yang banyak dihafalkan, dikaji dan disyarah oleh para alim ulama, ini…
Guide how to copy, move and migrate Windows 10 operating system from one hdd to other ssd without reinstall using free software, gradually for student and beginner complete with picture.
Surah al-Araf (The Heights Border Between Hell & Paradise) is the seventh surah of the Qur'an, with 206 verses. It is a Meccan sura. Its final verse, verse 206, requires…
Seiring dengan dinamika perkembangan kehidupan modern yang semakin kompleks, maka perubahan psikis dalam diri manusia juga mengalami perubahan, utamanya dengan perkembangan mental atau jiwa seseorang yang telah mengalami modernisasi kultur…
In common folklore, angels or malaikah are thought of as good forces of nature, hologram images, or illusions. Western iconography sometimes depicts angels as fat cherubic babies or handsome young…
Terjemahan Surat Al-Fatihah Dan Al-Baqarah Dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran Dalam Bahasa Indonesia (Translation of Holy Quran in Indonesia Languange). Al-Quran adalah kitab suci agama Islam, Umat Islam percaya bahwa Al-Qur'an…
Terjemahan Surat Al-Fatihah and Surat Al-Baqarah Dalam Bahasa Inggris Edisi Berwarna. Surat al-Fatihah (Bahasa Arab:
) adalah bab pertama (surah) dari Quran. Ketujuh ayatnya (ayat) adalah doa untuk bimbingan, ketuhanan…
Juz Amma from The Noble Quran bilingual edition with english and arabic languange edition. The Noble Quran literally meaning the recitation ; also romanized Qur'an or Koran is the central…
The Translation of Noble Quran In English Languange. Terjemahan Kitab Suci Alquran Dalam Bahasa Inggris. The Noble Quran: literally, ‘that which is often recited.’ A web of rhythm and meaning…
The Story of Hazrat Aminah bint Wahb The Mother of Prophet Muhammad SAW Last Messenger of Allah SWT (God) Based from The Noble Quran and Al-Hadith. The womb of Aminah…
The average human being in the developed world battles sadness, anger, stress, depression and worry on a daily basis. While the majority of the world’s population confront extreme poverty, famine…
The Life of Hazrat Aminah bint Wahb, the Mother of Prophet Muhammad SAW Last Messenger of Allah SWT (God) Based from The Noble Quran & Al-Hadith Hardcover Version.
The Complete Biography of Prophet Muhammad SAW Bilingual Edition English And Indonesia Hardcover Version. Prophet Muhammad SAW from Mecca, unified Arabia into a single religious polity under Islam faith. Believed…
The Story of Prophet Adam AS and Iblis Based from The Noble Quran Hardcover Version. Prophet Adam (Pbuh) is believed to have been the first human being and Nabi (Prophet)…
Luqman (also known as Luqman the Wise, Luqmaan, Lukman, and Luqman al-Hakeem. was a wise man for whom Surah Luqman, the thirty-first sura (chapter) of the Qur'an, was named. Luqman…
Keberadaan seorang wanita muslimah memiliki andil besar dalam membantu kemajuan ajaran agama Islam. Tinta emas Sejarah telah mencatat beberapa peran penting kaum wanita muslimah di masa kehidupan Nabi Muhammad SAW…
There was a man, of those possessed of houses and riches, who had wealth and servants and slaves and other possessions; and he departed from the world to receive the…
Pandangan Syariah Islam Terhadap Bunuh Diri (Suidice) Dan Eutanashia, bersumberkan dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran Serta Al-Hadist juga dar hasil penelitian para ilmuwan muslim.
Panduan cara merecovery dan memulihkan akun google gmail yang hilang atau terlupakan secara bertahap di lengkapi gambar untuk pemula. Guidelines on how to recover and recover lost or forgotten Google…
Time changes everything. People’s hair turns white as they grow older, but one thing always stays the same, the feathers of the crow that never change color. If anyone experienced…
Ibadah Shalat Tahajud mengandung aspek meditasi dan relaksasi. Kita tahu bahwa tahajud merupakan suatu ibadah yang dikerjakan di keheningan malam, di saat semua orang mengistirahatkan tubuhnya dari kelelahan aktivitasnya, sehingga…
The Translation also The Meaning of Surah Al-Fatihah and Surah Al-Baqarah from The Holy Quran In English Languange Color Version. Sarat al-Fatihah is the first chapter (surah) of the Quran…
Prophet Idris (Enoch) is an ancient prophet and patriarch mentioned in the Qur'an, whom Muslims believe was the second prophet after Adam. Islamic tradition has unanimously identified Idris with the…
The topic of inner peace addresses a universal need. There is nobody on this planet that does not desire inner peace. It is not a desire that is new to…
The Ten Commandments are a set of rules or laws, God gave to the people of Israel. The commandments exist in different versions. One version can be found in the…
Panduan membuat portofolio, CV dan resume secara bertahap untuk surat lamaran pekerjaan bagi pemula lengkap dengan gambar. Guidance on making portfolio, CV and resume gradually for job application letter for…
All computer systems can suffer from malware, ransomware, rootkit and viruses, including Linux and BSD OS. Thankfully, very few viruses exist for Linux, so users typically do not install antivirus…