Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter
I made the bold claim the other day that “EVERYONE LOVES A HEIST NOVEL” and of course then someone said “BUT I DON’T LOVE HEIST NOVELS!” So I said “THAT’S JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVEN’T READ ANY ALLY CARTER BOOKS”. Does this sound familiar? Am I talking about you? Then beware, Ally Carter is about to happen to you. Fans of the Gallagher Girls series will already be covertly reading this heavenly sequel to Carter’s Heist Society but should you be unawares here’s the down low.
Kat (sixteen, thief, possibly in love with Hale) is continuing her one woman mission to be the best art thief you never knew about. She reunites with her Heist Society team including the intriguing Hale (also a thief, no known first name, probably in love with Kat) in order to steal the world’s biggest and best protected Cleopatra Emerald. Only one problem, that particular emerald is cursed and no one, not even Uncle Charlie has managed to steal it.From Russia to Vegas, Kat and Hale have to plan the world’s best con, find out who is using one of the sacred thief names and figure out just who exactly is conning whom.
This book is just as juicy and exciting as Heist Society but builds on the tension, humour and elaborately named cons. Now I really want to know what a Mary Poppins con is and how I can get in on one.