The Little One: The Story Of A Red Tail Monkey: Kaitie Afrika Litchfield

When Kaitie was four years old she lived with her mum in Uganda, while her mum worked at a sanctuary for orphaned chimpanzees. One day Kaitie was asked to take care of a baby red-tailed monkey that had lost its mother.

The Little One tells the story of how Kaitie and her monkey, The Little One, became best friends. The story is told simply in Kaitie’s words and there’s lots of fantastic photos of the cheeky little monkey and its favourite games. The Little One is a wonderful and heart-warming book; it tells a great story about how Kaitie took responsibility for her pet until it was time for her to release The Little One in the wild.

This book would be suitable for four to eight years olds that are interested in animals and how to care for them, or in finding out about everyday life in Africa.