The Incredible Adventures of Cinnamon Girl by Melissa Keil

Eden Valley is a beautiful, small country town that has never seen much of anything. Alba – aspiring comic-book artist and creator of Cinnamon Girl – can’t figure out why, after graduating high school, she’s the only one of her friends who isn’t desperate to get out. If change is such a good thing, why does she get this funny feeling in her tummy every time she thinks about the future?

Though, that was before some nut job predicted that the world was going to end, and that teeny-tiny, off-the-map Eden Valley would be the only place to survive the apocalypse. While the clock is running out on Alba’s life, doomsday turns out to be the least of her problems. This is a story about embracing change and understanding where fear of change comes from. None of the characters want to be vulnerable, so there’s a lot of hiding behind big personalities. It’s fun, in a goofy, nerdy kind of way.

Recommended for ages 14 and up.

Kushla Egan