She Has My Heart

Beverly Hunt

She Has My Heart
Shawline Publishing Group
15 September 2020

She Has My Heart

Beverly Hunt

Will she choose her love for Annie over her children…?

The routine of a twenty-year marriage; habitual, predictable. Something’s missing. Something of her inner-self. Sophie feels disenchanted by life, wondering if this is all there is? Annie enters the room; Sophie feels her eyes watching as the most beautiful woman she has ever seen moves elegantly through the display of artistic imagery in the gallery. She turns and eyes lock like hearts beating at a tethered line, hooked. Annie’s intense gaze beneath wild blonde hair draws Sophie to her; have met before? Or is it just so right to be wrong. What is it about this woman? One glance, Sophie cannot stop thinking about her desire for the wild haired woman with intense eyes. Annie will open new world’s for Sophie. World’s where Sophie will go beyond anything imagined. An awakening will occur. A deep friendship will form that bridges one another’s souls as neither will expect, nor deny.
Sophie has never experienced love like this; being intimate with Annie creates new pleasures and desires of which she never knew she had longed for all her life. Her past will be measured against the future as love grows between them and ultimate choices for happiness or despair will need to be chosen…

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